Example sentences of "[noun pl] [adv] close to " in BNC.

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1 Tie cords together close to the outer screw-eye .
2 The invention can be dated with fair assurance , since some of the earliest-looking examples , by a painter who may well be the inventor , show stylisations extremely close to those found on the friezes of the Siphnian Treasury at Delphi , carved little before 525 .
3 ‘ You give in ? ’ he murmured , his lips tantalisingly close to her face .
4 ‘ You brute ! ’ she whispered , her lips unbearably close to his .
5 ‘ What I strongly suspect — ’ Roman had strolled back to join her in the cockpit , stretching long , hair-coarsened dark legs unnervingly close to her own slender golden thighs ‘ — is that Mathilde embroidered the local myths to suit herself !
6 In recent years , there has been a desire both to move into the countryside and , for many young professional people , to move into areas fairly close to city centres .
7 If you are driving them near known pipe or cable runs , take care not to pierce them ; it 's best to drive the new nails as close to existing nail positions as possible for safety .
8 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
9 When Vietnam got nasty , many bands were finally forced out of their apathy as it became apparent that things like conscription were bringing matters pretty close to home .
10 The team found buildings too close to the prison wall .
11 This is because the former faces lack either a sunny aspect or a pleasant prospect and the preservation of privacy is an important consideration on elevations so close to the highway .
12 Sources extremely close to the development of IBM Corp 's network repository claim that its is close to production status and an IBM announcement is imminent .
13 The new directive is intended to ensure that national authorities process toxic substances as close to source as possible , thereby minimising the risk of accidents while in transit .
14 For example , if you have the situation where you want to put two occasionally-used machines quite close to one another , it may be to your advantage that their heights are exactly the same so the job can run across both tables .
15 ‘ We will try to relocate the various activities as close to the town centre as possible , ’ he said .
16 He likes to bring diabetic patients as close to full term as possible .
17 I like to use cosmetics as close to my natural skin colour as possible .
18 There is a dairy farm and two farmers who keep pigs quite close to the centre of the village , but the larger farms with their pigs and sheep and production of cereal crops are on the outskirts of the village .
19 Then they put the loo roll holders too close to the door and never seem to make allowance for sanitary towel disposal units .
20 The Germans were also exploring the quality of resistance in the North , and looking on Scotland , with its coasts so close to Scandinavia , as a possible ‘ soft option ’ for raids and attacks to the south .
21 Flap and gear cause minimal trim changes , but with the limits so close to the target speeds accuracy is needed — although the Fouga turned out to be quite speed-stable , making this less difficult than expected .
22 But there were times when Boro looked vulnerable with the Tigers so close to providing the unexpected .
23 If the votes are 50% , 30% and 20% for parties A , B and C respectively , then PR means that Party A must have 50% of the seats , Party B 30% and Party C 20% — or if not exactly those percentages , then percentages as close to them as is possible within the constraints of whatever system is being used .
24 Also — wherever possible keep valuable livestock , feedstuffs or other bulk materials as close to the farmyard as you can .
25 true in the actual world iff true throughout a range of groups of worlds reasonably close to the actual world .
26 Mount tubes as close to the front of cabinets as possible and shield them with a baffle or small valance or cornice attached to the bottom of units .
27 The argument here is not that the group shares a common material objective interest which unites them , though they may well do so ; such an argument , if framed in a strict manner , might take elite theorists perilously close to Marxist positions , in which the material interests related to the appropriate mode of production specify the class .
28 He stroked her back , wincing at the sharpness of her spine , the ripple of ribs too close to the skin .
29 There was no getting away from the fact that , as a unit , the Scotland back row were so disjointed as to be at times perilously close to a vacuum .
30 The details of the model are adjusted until it can simultaneously yield values acceptably close to the observed values of : the equatorial radius ( usually at 1 bar ) ; the mean density ; the axial rotation rate ; J 2 ; J 4 ; and the radiation excess .
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