Example sentences of "[noun pl] [conj] [adv] to provide " in BNC.

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1 The Master of the Rolls in the Court of Appeal rejected these arguments and said that the purpose of the Directive was to co-ordinate the authorities ' discretion in member states and not to provide additional protection for investors .
2 Many organisations seemed to have an in-built reluctance to defend their actions or even to provide a constructive and forceful image .
3 The therapist agreed to see Pamela as in outpatient in 5 days ' time to provide her with a further chance to talk about her difficulties and also to provide her with support .
4 While it is essential , not only for the support through food supply for indigenous populations but also to provide a sound base on which economic progress can be made , it is unfortunate that in so many cases injudicious land-use practices have negated the very factor , increased productivity , that they sought to improve .
5 Towards the end of the Summer term it 's common practice in most schools to invite the parents of the new intake of children to visit the school to explain the routines and organisation , to give them a chance to meet the teachers and also to provide an opportunity for them to share any concerns they might have .
6 The Animal Care Trust — ACT — supports the College by raising urgently needed funds to ensure high standards of facilities are maintained , to extend , modernise and equip the RVC 's three hospitals and also to provide endowment for professional staff .
7 There would appear to be the need to develop for these and possibly many other applications , heat sensors sufficiently resistant to fire and high temperatures to act not only as actuating mechanisms for automatic systems but also to provide continuous readings of temperature in their permanent locations .
8 Central government may also be expected to monitor the implementation of the Elton Committee 's recommendations if not to provide the extra resources necessary for the extended role for ( and numbers on education welfare officers , teachers and LEA officers envisaged by the Report .
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