Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] the type " in BNC.

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1 Heclo and Wildavsky adopt an anthropological tone when they speak of the British policy-making system in Whitehall concerned with public expenditure as a ‘ village community with a variety of subtle norms about the type of behaviour which is acceptable and unacceptable , praiseworthy and condemnable .
2 A further unpublished project attempted to assess the anxiety characteristics of the type of client who benefited most from the treatment package .
3 These public contests are firmly based on agreement as to the fundamental characteristics of the type of regime and economic system that is required for the country .
4 While there are also a number of texts that claim to be fabliaux but which are not now considered to belong to the genre , the common characteristics of the type ( described below ) are sufficiently clear for the same number of texts again to be identified with and added to the self-proclaimed fabliaux .
5 The ‘ market ’ proposals in Working for patients could have other implications for health care planning , irrespective of the relative strengths of the Type I and Type II models .
6 To mention but two known effects , regular walking is associated with a reduced incidence of hip fractures in the elderly and beneficial changes in the concentrations of the type of cholesterol associated with heart disease .
7 When the polymer chains are unsymmetrical , with repeat units of the type , an additional restriction to rotation is imposed by steric effects .
8 Twenty-four more cars of the type were immediately ordered for delivery in 1934 , at a cost of £2,356 each .
9 To me a place is a set of institutionalized relationships of the type described by Paasi .
10 That was because they tended to imply that beliefs , laws , and principles were not based on eternal unchanging principles but were aspects of the type of society in which they occurred .
11 A second example concerns the pronunciation of /a/ before velar consonants in words of the type rag , pack , bang .
12 The variation here concerns the incidence of [ e ] -type pronunciations in words of the type meat , leave , peace , easy , seize , and more particularly the question whether the [ e ] variants of this class are merged with the class of mate , save , lace , daze , or not .
13 To take a simple example : suppose we are comparing two dialects , one of which has the vowel /eI/ ( in words of the type gate , place ) where the other has /aI/ .
14 Suppose that in the course of time the vowel /a : / in a particular language becomes open /α:/ , as it did in Southern Middle English in words of the type home , stone ( OE há0m , stá0n ) .
15 Figure 4.1 Deletion of medial [ ta ; ] in words of the type mother , together .
16 An example of this is variation between low and mid-front realizations of /a/ before velar consonants in words of the type rag , pack , bang , which show only slight differences in terms of age and sex within inner-city Belfast .
17 For some groups of inner-city male speakers vowels in words of the type wet , went , are very consistently realized as [ a , ae ] , and this often seems to be merged with /a/ , as in sat , want .
18 These are discussed by J. Milroy ( 1983 ) , and it is noticeable that many of these features , such as w for wh ( in words of the type what , which ) , have reflexes in later English pronunciation .
19 OE post-vocalic /ht , xt/ , for example — in words of the type riht , niht , PresE ‘ right , night ’ — can be represented in the spelling of Havelok by st , ht , th , cht , cth , but not by , for example gt , ght , or by random and unpredictable forms such as tc or m .
20 For most speakers the meat class belongs to both systems in that it is an alternating class ; thus , on different occasions the same speaker may pronounce words of the type seat , peace , leave with [ e : ] or with [ i ] .
21 In the first category there were 13 variables of the type normally expressed numerically .
22 One or more insect cages of the type described in Chapter I ; a medium-sized water-colour paintbrush .
23 For six-pointed shapes of the type shown in Fig 5.5 , Ellis and Muller found that subjects who had learned labels for the various shapes out-performed controls ( who had simply observed the stimuli in the first phase of training ) on a motor task that required pressing one switch rather than some other in response to these stimuli .
24 Chen [ 17,18,20 ] has measured actinomycin dissociation kinetics from a series of oligonucleotide sequences of the type ATAXGCYTAT and ATAXGCYATA and shown the following time constants CGCT/AGCG , 600 s ; CGCA/TGCG , 1000 s ; CGCG 850 s .
25 This cleavage is specific for ( AT ) n , since sequences of the type ( TAA ) n .
26 No cleavage is observed at ApC or CpA within sequences of the type ( AC ) n .
27 Suppose we show that in a present-day vernacular there is structured variation in verb-forms of the type he does/he do ( see Cheshire , 1982 , for a relevant study ) , with one form perhaps being preferred in formal styles and the other in casual styles : we may also — by comparing the speech of different social groups and age-groups — show that one form is progressing at the expense of the other .
28 In some cases , however , the clustered contractions appear as a series of tertiary contractions of the type often found in primary oesophageal motility disorders .
29 Although modern America and Western Europe , as well as Russia and Eastern Europe , are different in some respects from the type of society with which Freud was familiar before and after the First World War , there is still great value in Freud 's conceptualizations for understanding some problems in these societies .
30 DARLINGTON sailor Julie Carroll , 20 , is looking forward to a life on the ocean waves on the type 42 Destroyer HMS Southampton after successfully completing a radar operator course at Portsmouth .
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