Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] a general " in BNC.

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1 When labour surpluses became a general phenomenon , and with declining profitability , there was fiscal pressure in the nineteenth century to reduce the size of the prison population .
2 The above considerations make a general purpose handwriting recognition system a virtual impossibility .
3 It is enough to say that paragraph 2 of the guidelines contains a general requirement for the prosecution to disclose ‘ unused material ’ to the defence , consisting of witness statements and documents which are not included in the committal bundle , but this requirement is qualified by a number of exceptions listed in paragraph 6 .
4 The Fat and Fibre Counter later in the book lists the fibre in all the major foods but the following lists give a general idea of high and low fibre contents in some of the main foods :
5 But both Salters 's and Russell 's work in Northern Ireland schools have been used by catholic schools supporters to aid a general principle , also derived from the work of some sociologists of education : namely that schools have little impact on children in terms of their basic values anyway , and one should recognize parents and community environment for the real source of these .
6 All parties contesting a general election would be required to field candidates for at least one-third of the 360 seats .
7 The Addresses offered a general analysis and defence of religion , which Schleiermacher wished to commend to the intelligentsia of his own day who were tempted to dismiss it as mere primitive superstition , while The Christian faith is a comprehensive and systematic presentation of the main themes of Christian teaching .
8 He was fascinated to discover that the Galapagos animals bore a general resemblance to those he had seen on the mainland , but differed from them in detail .
9 This seems to be the way Rawls treats the problem ( though he is sensitive to fallibility concerning applied principles ( see pp. 195–7 ) But quite apart from the fact that by this one assumes that in the original position the parties discount a general fact of human nature , namely its fallibility , this procedure will sanction non-adaptable constitutions — a highly counter-intuitive conclusion .
10 At the 40th session of the UNHCR Executive Committee in October 1989 the 43 member states adopted a general programme budget of $190,000,000 for the first six months of 1990 only ; after extensive debate at an extraordinary session in May 1990 and at the regular session in October , the Executive Committee finally adopted a general programme budget for 1990 amounting to $378,885,900 , including the $38,000,000 deficit carried over from the previous year .
11 Models give a general picture , explain relationships in a simple way , organise by ordering and relating elements within a system and may be used to predict the likely outcomes of a course of events by assigning probabilities to known patterns .
12 The current models use a General Motors automatic transmission ( with R-R 's own finger-light electric selector ) and German-made electronic engine management systems and anti-lock braking .
13 Following the death of former professional dancer Mr Walker , whose parents kept a general store in Seaforth , a man phoned a tabloid newspaper claiming responsibility .
14 On Sept. 21 the two factions announced that they were forming a joint leadership council to oppose the talks , and called on all Palestinians to observe a general strike on Sept. 23 in protest at the talks .
15 The Palestinians ordered a general strike in protest at Syria 's involvement in Lebanon .
16 All pupils in these years follow a general familiarisation course in computer applications timetabled for one period each week .
17 Almost 1,500,000 blue- and white-collar workers staged a general strike on Jan. 3 in defiance of a court order declaring it illegal .
18 And it is well known that children who have been read to in their preschool years have a general advantage when the learning of reading begins .
19 Such broad figures give a general sense of overall patterns and trends , but more detailed information is necessary for a discussion of the undergraduate curriculum .
20 The crisis was temporarily defused at a meeting of the PS executive committee on March 20 , when delegates approved a general statement of intent , confirmed Mauroy as first secretary , and redistributed senior party posts to reflect the respective strengths of the various factions .
21 When the Emperor Frederick II appealed to the cardinals to convoke a general council of prelates and other faithful in Christ to judge him , he must have had in mind Innocent 's council of nearly a quarter of a century earlier .
22 The Court of Appeal upheld the judgment that the accountants owed no duty of care to the plaintiff , but Lord Denning dissented from this decision and in doing so , discussed at some length the types of statement in respect of which accountants owe a general duty of care and the people to whom that duty extends .
23 But its effect on spot oil prices — which skyrocketed — was used by the producers to justify a general price rise .
24 Parsons 's efforts to build a general theory of action , though criticised in some quarters , did at least provide an ambition for social research as something it could and ought to contribute to .
25 Investors buy a general claim on the investment trust , rather than buy the assets as in a unit trust .
26 The auditors owe a duty of care to the shore share holders collectively , not to individual share holders or what are called stake holders , employees for example , er nor do auditors have a general duty so far as the public interest is concerned .
27 The report drew particular attention to the need for a reduction in German interest rates to Japanese and US levels to permit a general cut in rates throughout Europe , and to ease tensions within the European exchange rate mechanism ( ERM ) .
28 Firms range from commercial practices of well over 100 partners giving a general legal service to large , corporate clients , to small , independent high street solicitors , occasionally a ‘ sole practitioner ’ , who provide local people with the services required .
29 We now extend these concepts to combine the process of crystallization with the phenomena observed in the experiments , using inert particles to provide a general mechanism of layering ( Fig.1 ) .
30 On April 2 an estimated 50,000 people demonstrated their support for the democracy movement in Kathmandu , while doctors and other professionals joined a general strike , in defiance of legislation prohibiting strikes in " essential services " .
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