Example sentences of "[art] servants ' [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 One of the far-sighted was Merlin Waterson , who wrote an account of the squire 's household , The Servants ' Hall .
2 The famous ‘ spider woman ’ of Erddig duly appears on the cover of The Servants ' Hall , but most of the accounts are of the menservants .
3 They progressed along dark stone corridors , past various pantries and flights of steps , arriving eventually in what later turned out to have been the servants ' hall and was now superficially , and partially , converted for modern living .
4 Not the way it is today , when on the rare occasion an employee accompanies a guest here , he is likely to be some newcomer who has little to say about anything other than Association Football , and who prefers to pass the evening not by the fire of the servants ' hall , but drinking at the Ploughman 's Arms — or indeed , as seems increasingly likely nowadays , at the Star Inn .
5 I can recall many hours of enjoyable discussion on this topic around the fire of the servants ' hall at the end of a day .
6 Of course , the servants ' hall at Darlington Hall , like any servants ' hall anywhere , was obliged to receive employees of varying degrees of intellect and perception , and I recall many a time having to bite my lip while some employee — and at times , I regret to say , members of my own staff — excitedly eulogized the likes of , say , Mr Jack Neighbours .
7 Ruth was in the servants ' hall one day when he returned from yet another picnic .
8 overlap with auction house chatter in that aristos are always selling the contents of the servants ' hall if they 've fallen on super-taxed times , or buying things if their grandfathers went offshore .
9 The lower servants , if male , are to congregate in the servants ' hall ; if female , in the women 's workroom .
10 Outside workers , the lowest of the low , are to have their own ‘ mess room ’ over the stables , though head gardeners and grooms may use the servants ' hall .
11 And all of us had to assemble in the servants ' hall for lunch .
12 The rich , however , also expanded the market for more modest goods than silks , Chippendale furniture and ornate carriages , for they also purchased uniforms for their servants and furniture for the servants ' hall , as well as the utensils for their great kitchens .
13 Another story — the charming Silford Hall tells of a happy visit which a little boy once paid to a country mansion , and how the kind housekeeper showed him round the picture gallery , and gave him a lovely dinner in the servants ' hall ; Crabbe had himself been that humble little boy .
14 At the back of the hall a flight of stairs led down to the servants ' kitchen .
15 Just then a bell rang for the servants ' dinner .
16 He had had little to say to her since then , having turned his attention to the red-headed horsewoman she had today identified , from the servants ' gossip at the back of the church , as Mrs Covington-Pym She wondered what he could have to say to her now , not expecting it to be pleasant .
17 Francis analysed the hierarchy of rooms and commented that the servants ' attic bedrooms were both smallest in size and farthest from the front door .
18 In ‘ Crumble Hall ’ Urs'la addresses Roger who is sprawled unconscious across the servants ' table in a speech reminiscent of Gay 's ‘ Tuesday ’ eclogue :
19 At Sandridge an extensive orangery took up most of the southern façade ingeniously masking the servants ' wing .
20 Choosing the former , I climbed up to his small attic room at the top of the servants ' wing early one morning and knocked gently .
21 She stood there until he went quiet , stayed a few minutes longer to be certain and only then returned to her cupboard bedroom next to the servants ' loft .
22 For two or three years in the mid-thirties , Mr Neighbours 's name seemed to dominate conversations in every servants ' hall in the land .
23 She pushed the papers back into the large Crockford and looked round the room , realising there ought to be a servants ' stair to the first floor continuing the one running from the ground floor to the basement .
24 ‘ Servant ’ seemed too coarse a word for such a refined creature and indeed she made it plain that she did not usually inhabit a servants ' hall .
25 The housekeeper 's room even contains a servants ' library with books in three categories : ‘ One of books of divinity and morality : Another for housewifry ; A third of history , true adventures , voyages and innocent amusement ’ — the last , one notes , does not seem to include the novel .
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