Example sentences of "[art] chance [to-vb] the " in BNC.

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1 And Wolves should have had a second penalty after Regis had apparently set up Kelly but Sandford 's challenge went unnoticed by Mr Harrison , Stoke escaped and Wolves were denied the chance to regain the lead .
2 ‘ Is n't it a wonder , now , ’ said Phil , seizing the chance to turn the conversation his way , ‘ That shaggin' chancer of a Dagg from Belfast did n't claim his dirty water could cure cancer too ! ’
3 Heads as they appoint new staff have the chance to turn the long-term realization of a school 's plan into a shared reality , but the same commitment can also be won from those teachers who are at a school when a new head arrives .
4 You wo n't be asked to mend fences or brand steers , but you will have the chance to watch the ranch hands — the wranglers — at work ; go riding or walking , or take a drive into town for some shopping .
5 He said that , travelling with his father to the kraals , he had the chance to watch the religious dances of the black tribes ; Grace thinks it was later , after the family had left Rustenburg , that John first saw the dancing at the Johannesburg mines .
6 How often d' you get the chance to watch the mindlessly rich eat and drink themselves into a stupor on behalf of Ethiopia ? ’
7 The United manager added : ‘ The trouble is these days youngsters play so much they do n't get the chance to watch the game from the terraces and get a passion about it , like my generation .
8 This need not be so , and the small trouble involved is well worthwhile , for the chance to watch the behaviour , and see the young grow up .
9 The route to this prediction is a little roundabout , but the resulting inequality ( on p. 76 ) gives the experimenter the chance to decide the issue between locally realistic theories and conventional quantum mechanics .
10 Brannen , should he win with fewer 7,850 points , would have the chance to chase the Olympic standard in Germany in a fortnight 's time a week before the selection deadline , which has been extended from its original date , June 7 .
11 Had he not done so , another hon. Member would have obliged , and we would have had the chance to debate the matter and to make the points which have been made with such eloquence and fervour on both sides of the House .
12 Put another way , thoughtful Conservatives recognise that electoral reform would probably secure the right of middle ground in the face of socialist challenge but at the cost of blocking the returning prospect of the chance to implement the hard-right vision .
13 Two special fun days have been arranged to allow all Journal readers the chance to enjoy the delights of Britain 's number one theme park , Alton Towers , at a discount rate .
14 Two more photo stops at Dent and Appleby gave one the chance to appreciate the wild countryside through which this line passes and , finally , to Carlisle , on a mild but somewhat misty day .
15 We have written back to about 200 of them offering them the chance to attend the gymnasium . ’
16 For many of us , Betty Jackson 's clothes are simply too expensive so we jumped at the chance to feature the latest Betty Jackson Vogue patterns .
17 It might seem churlish to ask for flavour as well as the chance to save the planet , but it used to be there before the planet needed saving .
18 Only they have had the chance to view the Earth from this unique vantage point — until now .
19 Psychologists will say this is because these people lack real power at work , like the chance to drive the company into bankruptcy .
20 They bought the chance to use the naval base at Berbera , and to balance Soviet influence in Ethiopia next door .
21 According to Control Data , this should give customers the chance to use the most suitable medium for their requirements .
22 According to Control Data , this should give customers the chance to use the most suitable medium for their requirements .
23 He rightly points out that we need more ladies toilets and if you know you get the chance to use the ladies loo it 's cleaner and better looked after than the men 's , I 've heard .
24 POOLS company Littlewoods , which has invested millions of pounds in new high-speed scanning equipment to check coupons , is ready to give other business organisations the chance to use the facilities .
25 Actors who train and go to drama school are usually on grants from local education authorities and to deny them the chance to join the profession — or at least compete properly — is ridiculous .
26 IAN WOOSNAM has the chance to join the legendary Jack Nicklaus in the history books when he leads Wales in the Philip Morris World Cup in Madrid tomorrow .
27 Thanks to McAlpine Helicopters , the Aerospatiale helicopter distributor for the UK , I was given the chance to join the PPL rotor wing elite … if only for the day .
28 For territorial army bands , the chance to join the big league comes only once in 5 years .
29 Taking a holiday here offers the chance to taste the real Italy , the Italy of ordinary everyday folk .
30 Mrs Goreng presented the idea like she was doing me a big favour , giving me the chance to teach the future malai President .
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