Example sentences of "[art] need for a " in BNC.

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1 The need for a national and international AIDS charity has never been greater .
2 He has identified the need for a fish restaurant in the surrounding area .
3 Due to the small size of the Old Rectory and the communal style of dining , with Michael Vaughan serving , a lot of feedback comes from its diners and the vast majority do not feel the need for a choice of dishes at dinner .
4 The report , UK levels of health , discusses the need for a common , strategic approach to improving the health of the nation .
5 The only added cost was the need for a second driver when running in excess of 100mph , but this was subsequently rescinded to 110mph .
6 Following studies by Eastern Region 's engineers , a new tracklaying strategy was introduced in 1987 whereby — with the use of a new machine called the Dynamic Track Stabiliser — tracks could be handed back by 06.00 on Monday morning at the full 125mph line speed , eliminating the need for a temporary speed restriction and associated recovery time allowance .
7 BR could claim that even before the Monopoly Commission report 's comments on the need for a new rolling-stock policy it was moving towards the development of stock for use on all regions , having introduced Class 313 25kV AC/750V DC ( dual voltage ) inner-suburban stock in 1976 for the Great Northern electrification scheme followed in 1978 by Class 507 750V DC third-rail stock for Merseyrail ( Midland Region ) ; and Class 314 25kV AC stock in Scotland .
8 Fokine was the first choreographer to distinguish the need for a particular style for each ballet when he created such different ballets as Les Sylphides , Le Carnaval , Prince Igor , The Firebird and Petrushka .
9 A maximum gain of 100 and noise down to 90µV eliminate the need for a following amplifier in many cases , the gain being available in all operating modes .
10 Perhaps no one would deny this ; but as each generation of students arrives more defiantly or hopelessly monoglot , as a whole new discipline ( called ‘ Comparative Literature ’ ) has come into being to cater for those exceptional persons who can read more languages than one , the need for a classroom manual to redress this state of affairs becomes ever more urgent .
11 Officials close to Mr Delors said he was convinced the pace of change in Eastern Europe had made the need for a more federal EC all the more urgent .
12 The Advisory Board for the Research Councils acknowledged the need for a boost to clinical research , but rejected the Medical Research Council 's proposals for a new centre linking basic laboratory research to clinical research in a hospital setting and postgraduate education .
13 At Brighton last week , Mr Kinnock spoke about the need for greater investment in education and training , research and development , science and transport , the need for a beefed-up Department of Trade and Industry .
14 The massive popularity of our parties is partly due to the fact that we offer all-night dancing , this proves the need for a facility to obtain all-night licences for one-off events .
15 Experience in the past two and a half years has shown both the general effectiveness of such schemes and the need for a much wider extension of them .
16 Here , whatever else is obscure , the need for a much greater commitment of resources is indisputable : without , for example , a massive renewal and expansion of physical provision , men and methods will not avail , though men are the essence of the service and methods cry out for more and more exploration .
17 But when non-performing songwriters became successful , with their songs being recorded by major artists , and used in films or as TV commercials , then the need for a manager often becomes more pressing .
18 There were , broadly , two interrelated reasons for this , the first relating to Britain 's economic and Imperial difficulties , the second to the internal dissension in all three parties , a symptom perhaps of the need for a realignment of political parties .
19 Callinicos ' defence of classical Marxism , of historical materialism , is in the first instance deployed against a postmodernism which has come to proclaim the death of the grand narrative of emancipation and the need for a new form of politics not constructed along the lines of the traditional left .
20 Probably the harshest decision was the need for a new chief executive ( yet to be named ) to replace Andros Stakis — a move he made unhesitatingly , but ‘ with much regret and much personal vexation ’ .
21 The question of whether the convictions were safe , and the need for a review to allay public anxiety in the light of the Guildford findings , is raised in a statement by the joint presidents of the Birmingham Council of Christian Churches : the Most Reverend Maurice Couve de Murville , Archbishop of Birmingham ; the Right Reverend Mark Santer , Bishop of Birmingham ; and the Reverend David Good , representing the Birmingham Free Churches .
22 Our MP Mr Ken Hind ( Conservative , West Lancs ) wrote to people in Scarisbrick saying that he has pushed the Department of Transport into accepting the need for a bypass between Ormskirk and Southport .
23 Mr Hurd has no trouble stressing the need for a liberalisation of European markets in which Britain has often led the way .
24 Mr Hurd has no trouble stressing the need for a liberalisation of European markets in which Britain has often led the way .
25 In the past , reasons for changing clubs have been couched in euphemistic terms , such as the need for a fresh challenge .
26 It allows an early and full account to be recorded before the child 's memory fades ; reduces the chance of parents or other interested adults influencing what the child says ; removes the need for a succession of professional people to probe at length and in detail the traumatic experiences of the child ; exposes any leading questions made the interviewers ; and allows people to observe the non-verbal as well as the verbal messages the child wants to make .
27 Mr Roger Lyons , the assistant general secretary of the MSF technical union , sees the need for a massive programme of training to equip trade unionists in the East with skills to handle multi-nationals .
28 The pound 's fall from grace has not been quite as marked as the stock market 's recovery but , for all the Government 's protestations about the need for a firm exchange rate , its decline has been very sharp .
29 He informed them of Visconti 's departure and the need for a replacement bass guitarist , and they returned with a friend who played bass called Trevor Bolder .
30 The government acknowledged the need for a target in May 1990 by undertaking to stabilize carbon dioxide emissions at the 1990 level by 2005 .
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