Example sentences of "[art] bomb [verb] off " in BNC.

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1 He appeared absolutely confident that even if the bombs went off , we would survive .
2 The bombs went off at lunch-time near a busy Boots chemist and a McDonalds hamburger restaurant packed with children and teenagers .
3 Mr Delmo Vigna , who was lying in bed in his first-floor flat when the bomb went off , said : ‘ Just 20 minutes earlier , I had stuck my head out of the window to throw a bucket of water on the street to clean it .
4 Mr Y Hazama was driving his car out of the car park beneath the Commercial Union building when the bomb went off .
5 He was in a lead mine when the bomb went off , and escaped damage .
6 A bank spokeswoman said one person on the staff had been injured in the explosion but most had already left for Budapest when the bomb went off .
7 They must have had their faces upturned when the bomb went off ; perhaps they were anti-aircraft personnel .
8 The bomb went off when Carol learned of her trip being cancelled .
9 The bomb went off and Joe Matos , a salesman , and Ayidan Zekai , a secretary , were thrown to the ground .
10 I had just gone down the road when the bomb went off .
11 Hotel duty manager George Ashou , who was only 10ft from the blast , said : ‘ The bomb went off with a muffled crump .
12 ‘ I saw two people hurt on the bridge about 500 metres from where the bomb went off .
13 ‘ We then ran as fast as we could and only minutes later the bomb went off . ’
14 The bomb went off in the public gallery , destroying the visitors ' area and blowing a hole through an external wall .
15 Opera House : The bomb went off as security forces were still clearing the area .
16 A railway spokesman , Gautam Banerjee , said the bomb went off when a police patrol stopped the man and wanted to search his bag .
17 Mr McGuigan was watching television downstairs when the bomb went off .
18 Saturday — when the bomb went off — had been ‘ unbelievably painful ’ and when they found out about Tim they ‘ did n't think he would live the night ’ .
19 If he too had wanted the bomb to go off , his belief would n't have made him shoot , it would have made him dive for cover .
20 As the bomb shot off over the trees in the direction of the German positions the Corporal returned to his seat , with the remarks .
21 Cecilia was about to let herself in when the young woman called Alice , who had been there when she heard the bomb go off , opened the door to her .
22 Ross Metcalf , whose Bridge Street pet shop was damaged said : ‘ I saw the flash and heard the bomb go off , it was very , very big .
23 It 's only because he wants to prevent the bomb going off that this belief of his makes him shoot .
24 Streets over a square-mile area were evacuated but after no bombs went off police blasted a window off the van and discovered the deadly cargo .
25 A BOMB went off outside a north London tube station yesterday .
26 I casually wondered how I would get out if a bomb went off down at ground level .
27 Does the Minister agree that the confidence of the people has been even more shaken by the tragedy in the prison at which a bomb went off , killing two remand prisoners ?
28 Scorch and smoke damage was caused to Ross 's Auction Rooms , Montgomery Street , Belfast , when a bomb went off outside at 10.40pm .
29 WHAT to do when a bomb goes off :
30 I have a sense of failure every time a bomb goes off , in Northern Ireland or here ; but more so here .
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