Example sentences of "[prep] [indef pn] close to " in BNC.

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1 Before moving on to discuss the process of loss in relation to the death of someone close to us , it is helpful to look at a less significant but nevertheless important and unexpected loss and see our reaction there .
2 But if you are worried about your own safety or the safety of someone close to you , it is possible to minimise the risk even further by taking some simple , sensible precautions .
3 If you are facing the facts in your relationship or that of someone close to you , be encouraged .
4 Now meditate on these words of Paul , thinking about what they tell you about the grace and love of God in your own situation or that of someone close to you .
5 We no longer wear mourning clothes for a fixed period of time , we do n't refuse to go to parties for the first six months after the death of someone close to us , we do n't take time immediately after the death for intensive grieving .
6 Our reactions to the death of someone close to us are particular to us and to our relationship with them .
7 And any ‘ green shoots of recovery ’ may well be choked by the tares of something close to a world slump .
8 The picture that emerges , at least as a possibility , is of something close to the idea of a constitutional monarch , a king whose power was substantially restricted by the overwhelming spiritual , political and economic power of the priesthood .
9 Some children will be reading about something close to their own experience , close to their own emotional world .
10 ‘ The nearest courses to Crossgar are Downpatrick and Ringdufferin , both about six miles away , so the need for one close to the town was obvious , ’ he adds .
11 It was a miserable business pining for those who had gone and she thought back with something close to horror of the unhappiness she had endured while wishing herself elsewhere .
12 He was fumbling with something close to his left side .
13 Pity the poor student faced , last year , with something close to 2000 books that deal with psychology in some way or other .
14 The young man glared at Harry with something close to resentment .
15 Gerald Seymour-Strachey looked at him with something close to outrage on his face : ‘ No , no — nothing of the kind .
16 He glares at Eva with something close to hatred .
17 And if you look at the sum of the two Z scores times 'd each other , you end up with something close to zero .
18 He had challenged almost everything she had said and what was meant as an informative introduction to a public relations exercise had developed into something close to a public brawl .
19 It was a measure of the strains of the day , or perhaps of the relief at finding the sympathetic Theodora , that the Archdeacon was precipitated into something close to indiscretion .
20 In so far as any rules had been devised in the past , the principle seems to have been to give power to someone close to the throne , and invested therefore with some of the aura of royalty .
21 If this is your first experience in the role of main helper to someone close to you who has suffered a major loss , and if you have not yet suffered one yourself , you may find the strange variety and intensity of her emotions and her need for long-term support rather daunting .
22 I 'm pleased to see that she 's reverted to something close to her original appearance for the evening , though the casual style now carries designer labels .
23 Today many live on something close to the Church 's minimum stipend of £12,200 a year and their accommodation is more likely to be in the council semi mould .
24 Actually , to anyone close to the motor-racing scene at the end of I975 , it was fairly obvious where James would wind up .
25 Detective Superintendent Michael Cole said : ‘ If anyfamily has doubts about anyone close to them , inform us immediately . ’
26 The BPIF 's director of employment affairs Andy Brown said : ‘ We have had no indication that the GPMU is prepared to settle at anything close to our final offer . ’
27 But not for anything close to the same price .
28 One is where there is no intention to fund for anything close to maximum tax-approved benefits at the moment .
29 Under his scheme they would be elected by something close to Britain 's first-past-the-post system .
30 In public he expressed great contempt for the system , but he made use of it to an immoderate degree , particularly by bestowing honours — undue honours — on the least worthy of his personal friends and particularly if the suggestion was made by anyone close to him .
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