Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] twice [art] " in BNC.

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1 The deep sound of the bells rolled through Knockglen twice a day , at noon and at six in the evening , great timekeepers as much as reminders to pray .
2 He has a brother in Devon and a sister in Manchester and his mother travels from Exeter twice a year to visit him at the centre where she attends the pujas the daily services .
3 In fact , so impressed am I with his performance that I shall personally be paying his train fare from Birmingham twice a week .
4 In 1155 , the customs confirmed by Louis VII for Lorris on the royal demesne established that no parishioner should have to pay taxes on food intended for his own consumption or on grain grown by his own labour ; he should be exempt from tolls when he took his produce to the neighbouring towns of Etampes , Orléans , Milly , or Melun ; if required for a chevauchée , he must be allowed to return home at the end of the day ; the only labour service he owed his lord was in carrying seigneurial wine to Orléans twice a year ; and the burgesses of Lorris as a whole were exempted from seigneurial tailles .
5 His mother takes him to Farendon twice a week for tutoring in English and Roman history which he is keen on .
6 ‘ They go to Spain twice a year .
7 However , some of the classes survived — Molly travelled to Dagenham twice a week , air raids or no , and class members came in between part-time war work .
8 ‘ I do n't see how I could leave Harry with Karen and come to London twice a week . ’
9 I keep my bag in the boot of the car and I try to play at Saltford twice a week .
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