Example sentences of "[prep] [noun prp] once [art] " in BNC.

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1 To make matters worse the British government repeatedly announced that it would be pulling out of Egypt once the country was on a " sound " footing .
2 What , now , of Falkenhayn 's promise that the infantry would just walk into Verdun once the artillery had done its stuff ?
3 Sir Derek Alun-Jones , chairman of Ferranti , and some other directors of the troubled group are said to be ready to resign in February once a share issue to raise £187 million in finance for the group is agreed by shareholders ..
4 ‘ He gets a remittance from England once every three months .
5 Her daughter drives out from Bamford once a week but around this time of year she goes to stay with some other relative , I 'm not sure where , so I dare say she is n't there at the moment and you have n't got any immediate neighbours resident .
6 She told me of her children , of how life had changed in Oman once the old Sultan had gone and the new Sultan began to rule , of the Sultan 's mother who was ‘ covered in gold from her neck to her waist ’ and who lived in a palace in the city of Salalah .
7 During her last year she joined the Voluntary Service Unit and visited an old lady in Sevenoaks once a week .
8 One of Acheson 's biographers has argued that Americans , having never understood the realities of the Chinese situation , were wholly unprepared for the deluge of hate and vituperation which descended on them from Peking once the Chinese People 's Republic had been established .
9 It seems the parish priest at Upton has a servant who visits his brother 's family in Preston once a week , and that night this fellow walked the road from Upton to Preston along with Aldhelm , who works at the demesne , and lives in the neighbouring village .
10 The Group holds afternoon meetings in London once a term .
11 However Troilus shows little interest in Cressida once the morning light has revealed her features and their bed ; and she seems to realise this :
12 I was longing to say no when she rang on Sunday but simply could not — she is married to a German and only comes home to Scotland once a year because of the costs , and I know how much she likes to come through to see the shops and friends .
13 For Deborah this meant travelling to Remaisnil once every two weeks , often accompanied by Phil Morris from Carno .
14 I also have seen in Oldham near where I live , where an MP was imposed on that was held by Lamont for twenty two years , lived in Aberdeen I think it was , came to Oldham once a week to do his surgery and they put somebody in from the T N G.
15 It was especially popular in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries when the whole of fashionable society decamped from London to Bath once a year to take the waters and to see and be seen .
16 When in 1947 he was invited to join the Dixielanders one of his fellow musicians was Wally Fawkes , the Daily Mail column-breaker and cartoonist , who came out to Camberwell once a week to attend Minton 's illustration classes .
17 ‘ We go to Italy once a year but both really are home , ’ he says .
18 Social services have stopped paying a £30 attendance allowance for Becky to go to Southampton once every two months for treatment .
19 He was perfectly entitled to do this by the statutes of the English Faculty ; but there being , at that date , no one in Oxford who could teach it , Lewis had to organize a tutor from Aberystwyth to be brought to Oxford once a week by train .
20 This was n't even by the rusty old tramp which brought stores to Danu once a month , but on a smaller wooden vessel , captained by a cut-throat old Bugi from Makassar , whose bilge pumps were perpetually squirting a drooping arc of water from the sides .
21 Since much of the work on coffee plantations was seasonal , most of these workers returned to India once the harvest was over .
22 Cathryn used to work with the Social Work Department in Craigmillar , but took up a fixed term post at Haddington once the decision was taken to go on tour .
23 In fact we will be shown extracts from Gloucester v Bath once the programme gets going : but that is not quite the same thing .
24 Today the sixteen-and-a-half horse power Ford Cargo , one of a fleet of several serving the Highlands and Islands , is driven by Bill once a week to Gairloch , fortnightly to Kinlochewe and once a month to Applecross .
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