Example sentences of "[prep] [noun pl] close to " in BNC.

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1 A perusal of street guides for areas close to active and disused airfields has produced a rich crop of them , ranging from aircraft names to personalities .
2 To hear it we travelled to Leighton Moss , that wonderful reserve belonging to the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds close to the shore of Morecambe Bay .
3 One Home has had great success with an art therapist who came over to take classes , combining residents from a number of Homes close to each other .
4 If it is wrong to advertise cigarettes in some media ( e.g. , TV ) or in some places ( e.g. , in sight of schools ) , why is it acceptable to advertise them in other media ( e.g. , in the TV Times ) and other places ( e.g. , on the fronts of shops close to but not visible from schools ) ?
5 Unburden yourself , tell me all that has passed — and later we will speak with a clear mind of matters close to our hearts . ’
6 Some report that at the beginning of the journey south , the party stayed at the little village of Cagnes-sur-Mer close to Nice .
7 Salt-laden winds also increase the salinity of lochs close to the west coast , and may raise the nutrient content and base status of coastal blanket bogs as in western Ireland ( Sparling 1967 ) , possibly explaining the presence of plants such as Schoenus nigricans , which grows profusely in some coastal peatlands in the Western Isles .
8 This is n't necessarily a good thing , but at least it gives you the opportunity to advance those big blocks of troops close to his army .
9 Hitchens Quality Homes has developed a number of properties close to the golf club , ranging from two bedroom detached bungalows ( £159,500 ) to three bedroom three storey houses ( £169,950 ) .
10 Those who took the decisions at the Fourth Lateran Council were a very small group of cardinals close to the pope and , on occasion , the pope himself , alone .
11 A liberal- democratic constitution , with the danger of " class legislation " ( the phrase used to voice the fear of a working-class takeover through the ballot box ) and an intrusion into the rights of property through the more direct , participatory , and collective democracy of a mandated House of Commons of delegates close to working-class constituencies , seemed to be quite another .
12 That 's the the the very reason the new settlements strategy was accepted by the County Council after the County Council 's initial opposition to it and their initial erm policy in favour of the substantial expansion of villages close to York .
13 You could follow my example and hitchhike out of Miami airport , but only if you 're prepared to risk being picked up by a religious maniac , or dropped off in an impenetrable jungle of freeways close to the cocaine-dealing centre of America , or both .
14 I had spent , and indeed continued to spend , many hours trying to persuade the blind to see , or in other words to convince rich men of the virtue of causes close to my own heart , especially those relating to the arts .
15 The great majority live in Reykjavik or a couple of towns close to it , and that leaves the country wonderfully bare , especially in the centre — what remains of the population is concentrated on the coast , where the chief occupations of fishing and farming are best practised .
16 Iro squandered a couple of chances close to the line at the start of the second half , but held on to Clark 's pass to make room for Edwards to score in the 50th minute , Phil Bancroft adding a touchline goal off the post .
17 The superb hotel is set in 9 acres of grounds close to Cheltenham 's town centre .
18 We assume that at some critical r-value , r* , there is a homoclinic orbit like that shown in Fig. 6.1a , and consider , for r-values close to r* , whether or not there are any trajectories which remain forever within the regions B U 5 U T. Providing that we choose B , 5 and T to be small enough , with r close enough to r* , and that we are only concerned with the topology of trajectories , it is permissible to regard the flow within B as linear , and to think of the map which takes points in the discs D and D " to points in the discs E and E " as a linear transformation .
19 Detective Superintendent Owen Taylor , who is leading the inquiry team , said yesterday that three people were spotted in an E-registration , black Nissan Micra car , near allotments close to the barracks at 8.15pm on 21 September , which was 12 hours before the bombing in which 10 bandsmen died .
20 Check the family 's hair weekly for eggs close to the scalp .
21 A bent metal coat hanger may work for blockages close to the trap but , unlike plumber 's snakes and curtain wire , it will not go round bends .
22 He envisaged community jails … divided into specialist units … with prisoners close to their families .
23 With gunnels close to the water , much shouting and sharp warnings to sit still , Hussa and I dragged the boat back home .
24 ( Roughly , this involves averaging the usual periodogram in log-log space , giving unbiased independent estimates of known variance , and with distributions close to gaussian . )
25 The RSPB buys land for nature reserves — and now has over 115 reserves including sites close to urban centres ( including Glasgow , Manchester , Birmingham and north London ) , accessible and beautiful woodlands and marshes , and vast , remote areas of moorland , mountain , forest and coastal cliffs .
26 This compares with quantities close to zero in the outer city , for most speakers .
27 When dealing with landowners it is best to be known to be always fair , with offers close to market value , or an explanation made when this is not possible .
28 The normal mouse has 40 chromosomes which are all acrocentric with centromeres close to the terminus and almost invisible short arms .
29 The waters were layered from October to May while ice was present , with temperatures close to freezing point near the surface but at 1–1.25°C near the bottom in 26 m .
30 With engines close to the centre of the aircraft body there is very little asymmetric force being exerted when only one engine is producing thrust but with engines widely spaced in the wings , as they are on the Canberra , there is a great deal of thrust on one side and nothing on the other to counterbalance it .
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