Example sentences of "[prep] [art] moment [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 For the moment they may not , singly or collectively , present a serious commercial challenge .
2 The owners say that they are so new to the game that for the moment they are selling everything because they do not know what will eventually prove profitable .
3 For the moment they had to be content to occupy the episcopal city and from there keep a watchful eye on their enemies .
4 They agreed that for the moment they would say nothing about it to Ebenezer .
5 As he had not decided what purpose their relationship should have , he decided that for the moment they should meet as little as possible .
6 For the moment they were sitting and waiting .
7 For the moment they are still enjoying their newly-won freedom to travel — if they feel like it , that is .
8 No , for the moment they are the Government and they will be at Maastricht , so let us find out what they will do in three weeks .
9 There is of course a much heard debate about the fees and the services of the church , with people holding different views about whether or not there should be a charge for functions like funerals , but for the moment we are more concerned with how the ‘ consumers ’ experience the way the church 's representative reaches out to them at their time of crisis .
10 We will discuss a little later the emotions implications of this but for the moment we are reflecting on the practical issues that overwhelm the bereaved person .
11 For the moment we can only piece together fragments of evidence .
12 Although occasional direct personal documentation does exist for earlier periods , and more could no doubt be found , for the moment we have no choice but to sketch the history of later life in the past without the intimate testimony of older people and their families .
13 For the moment we have to rely on intermittent subcutaneous injections which impose quite definite restrictions .
14 For the moment we 'll just watch it .
15 The social and political implications of Gandhi 's quest for Truth will also be dealt with in later chapters and for the moment we shall confine ourselves to such questions as how he goes about acquiring glimpses of absolute Truth and how he knows that it is absolute Truth he has actually caught a glimpse of .
16 There is a distinct difference as we will detail ; but for the moment we have to return to the basic check for symmetry .
17 For the moment we need to notice that if normality is to be defined not in terms of contextual plausibility but in terms of frequency of attested occurrence , then in principle the teacher , selecting language by this criterion , would be confined to a presentation of expressions which realized a particular combination of syntactic elements with particular lexical items .
18 But for the moment we were friends who had to prepare Wavebreaker for a possible Atlantic crossing .
19 For the moment we should merely note the high level of dissatisfaction which the general marriage and divorce figures imply .
20 I shall return later to the possibility of seeing the inaccessibility in terms of a limitation of access between levels ( rather than between modules ) , but for the moment we can redescribe this retraining activity as the ability of the subject , at a given level ( the uppermost , of intending to walk , in this case ) , to retranslate an activity into a lower level , in such a way that the translation later becomes compiled ( in terms of the earlier distinction between compilation and translation ) and ceases to be accessible from the ‘ higher level ’ .
21 There are a few extra types ( W , hotter than O ; and R , N and S , cooler than M ) but these are so uncommon that for the moment we need not worry about them .
22 We shall be drawing upon this case further , but for the moment we want to draw attention only to the way in which the reporter , by a particular choice of descriptive vocabulary , conveyed the impression that the actions of the group were meaningless .
23 For the moment we simply note that the hermeneutic objection to behaviourism ( and hence to Behaviouralism ) marks a basic crux for International Relations .
24 For the moment we shall focus on Weber 's way of introducing the individual elements .
25 We shall return to the question of labels later , but for the moment we may note that the ESSE/L Project has clear implications for developing information-handling skills , even if in more narrow forms such as study or library skills .
26 For the moment we may note that the success of the Major Project within a school can not be attributed exclusively to the staff therein .
27 For the moment we dismiss ( 5 ) with the answer " Yes we do " !
28 For the moment we may note simply that if the experiment had not worked , it would have been dropped .
29 We consider a matrix A , which for the moment we regard as having distinct eigenvalues .
30 If for the moment we assume it to be real and unrepeated , then all other eigenvalues have smaller moduli .
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