Example sentences of "[prep] [noun sg] [vb mod] seem " in BNC.

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1 Though the task of both understanding the situation and working for change may seem daunting , my experience of the Philippine health movement leaves me reassured .
2 The contrast may therefore serve to illustrate one major merit of Brooks 's criticism and of the New Criticism in general : their use of ideas such as irony may seem exaggerated and confusing , but it makes the important point that the meaning of poetry , though possibly analyzable , can not be expressed properly in the form of a conventional prosaic statement .
3 Theoretically , the recommendations in this and other chapters which describe adaptations that can usefully be made in order to give pupils with defective vision the most suitable environment and materials for work may seem complex .
4 This critique of utilitarianism would seem to support Gandhi 's contention that in comparison with sarvodaya utilitarianism shows a lack of dignity and humanity .
5 Strange as this type of decision may seem , it is quite frequently made .
6 In fact , the balance of advantage would seem to lie in holding that where A threatens B with a breach of his contract with B , B should be restricted to his contractual remedies .
7 Being ambitious to earn a lot of money may seem terribly important while you 're doing it .
8 This ahistorical theory of confirmation would seem to have the unappealing consequence that innumerable observations made on falling stones , planetary positions , etc. will constitute worthwhile scientific activity insofar as they will lead to increases in the estimate of the probability of the truth of the law of gravitation .
9 My choice of industry might seem surprising , in view of my wish to make some sort of contribution to the world 's well-being .
10 Few groups take such a route but The Wedding Present 's individualistic work structure and division of labour would seem to increase its likelihood .
11 The claim in this section that what I have called downwards opacity is a necessary feature of consciousness may seem open to the following reply : a person might claim that he was conscious , directly and permanently , of all aspects and details of his bodily functions : nerves , cells , blood vessels , etc. , and medical evidence might confirm what he said .
12 He is aware that , absorbing and stimulating as it is , his answer to the question of consciousness will seem to some to be on a par with ‘ 42 ’ , the celebrated answer to life , the universe and everything .
13 The restriction of conspiracy might seem to put the plaintiff at a disadvantage if the unlawful means is a tort against a third party or the breach of a contract to which the defendant is not a party but this is not necessarily so , for the defendant 's procurement of the commission of the tort may again expose him to liability as a joint tortfeasor , and as to a breach of contract he may anyway have committed the substantive tort of interference with an existing contract .
14 I suspect this is true for the majority of people : to accept help because of infirmity may seem an admission of defeat .
15 Blake says that the use of clairvoyance would seem to be a skill beyond the ordinary person .
16 However , in the long run , of the poetry of Coleridge , his concern for the condition of humanity would seem to be the most vital concern , of both himself , of those around him , and of the nation .
17 This internal seniority structure and pattern of mobility might seem to be the sole mechanism underlying the making and breaking of gangs .
18 Compared with other types of organisation the potential advantages of bureaucracy may seem apparent .
19 Probably rather less than immediately appears , for , although symptoms of thrush may seem to be related to a recent sexual act , it may be that the trauma of vigorous sexual intercourse has brought to the surface that which was lying dormant .
20 While the idea of cannibalism may seem repugnant to us , it clearly has its advantages , and it is certainly not unique to spadefoot toads .
21 Inter-country contributions to revenue based upon this kind of proposal would seem to be somewhat arbitrary , and based upon inter-country differences in smoking and drinking .
22 The day when Britain 's independent power producers will be able to sell competitively and freely into a European grid as a matter of right would seem to be a long way off , despite the fact that this was all supposed to have been in place by the end of 1992 .
23 Edward observed him with a certain bitterness ; such simplicity of need could seem enviable .
24 To some temperaments his state of nature might seem exciting and full of challenge .
25 Mr Prescott 's rough-edged style conveys a sense of honest indignation , where soothing strokes of eloquence might seem insincere .
26 As they put it ‘ the actual arousal of aggression would seem to be very much a cultural affair ’ .
27 The intuitions most relevant to a study of meaning would seem at first sight to be intuitions about what things mean .
28 This ‘ compensation ’ method of walking may seem to get the patient on his feet more quickly than the modern method , but it leaves him overusing his unaffected side , therefore he is constantly increasing and fighting against his spasticity .
29 But at the same time this form of contact can seem to other policemen and women as skiving , as even one member of the public described it to the field-worker ( FN 17/12/87 ) , p. 6 ) , although such a caricature obscures the fact that the contact often has a more meaningful purpose .
30 These pieces of evidence would seem to establish beyond doubt the correctness of Mustakimzade 's dating of Molla Arab 's Muftilik , a dating which , in turn , leaves no room for the possibility that Abdulkerim held the Muftilik — or the Muftilik of Istanbul , at any rate during the period stated by the later tradition .
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