Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] [vb mod] lead " in BNC.

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1 High welfare benefits may attract electoral support from the recipients , but the high taxes to pay for them may lead to electoral unpopularity with the wider population ; balancing the two is a difficult political act .
2 These events hastened moves towards a formal military alliance of the Western powers , and in April 1949 , 12 ( later 15 ) powers signed the North Atlantic Treaty , which set up the North Atlantic Treaty Organization ( NATO ) under which the signatories agreed that an attack on any one of them would lead to whatever action was deemed necessary , including the " use of armed force " ( CORE , pp. 85–6 ) .
3 Many pioneers of women 's education made it quite clear that they did not accept Emily Davies ' view that girls might be trained in the same way as boys , and argued that they should be given an opportunity , by way of , for example , domestic science classes , to prepare for the lives a majority of them would lead as wives and mothers .
4 Asquith thought that the erosion of his would lead to the growth of an irresponsible opposition , undermining the near unanimity of support for the war effort .
5 Under British and West German pressure , however , ministers agreed that even this requirement should be regarded more as a ‘ political objective ’ than a legal obligation ( the non-respect of which would lead to prosecution in the EC Court of Justice ) .
6 Modules at this stage have minimal pre entry recommendations and offer opportunities to develop a wide range of skills , some of which may lead to vocational competence .
7 in Hispanic Studies , both of which may lead to research for the Ph.D .
8 For the West , however , there were promises of greater respect for human rights in the Soviet bloc and of increased East-West contacts , all of which could lead to an easing in Russian domination of Eastern Europe .
9 More probably , decay and deterioration of materials and installations is the result of lack of maintenance , the results of which may include blocked or broken rainwater drains , displaced roof tiles or peeling paint finishes , all of which can lead to timber decay .
10 However , care must be taken when using sintering aids and impurities , both of which can lead to a degradation of properties in the body and premature failure of the prosthesis .
11 The proposed arrangement did not concern Berlin alone since there were Soviet specialists who argued that ‘ the creation of a neutralised and demilitarised city of West Berlin is estimated by the government of the GDR as the first link in a chain of measures , the sum total of which should lead to a united , democratic , peace-loving Germany ’ .
12 Itzhak Rabin of the Labour Party raised on June 12 the issue of who should lead the party in opposition .
13 A brief discussion of it will lead naturally also to some remarks on some views ; bout ethics put forward quite recently by John McDowell .
14 That at least was the view of many influential Tories worried about who might lead them to victory in the election due later this year .
15 Co-operating with him might lead to a sell-out before they had even started .
16 Both sides agree that these behaviours lead to much if not most of the premature mortality as well as chronic morbidity of adults today , and that a reduction in them would lead to reduced mortality and an enhanced quality of life .
17 They also tend to lead to bunching of traffic on main roads , which in itself can lead to accidents .
18 Do we see appraisal as a process which in itself will lead to ‘ improvement ’ ( the control model ) , or as something which really only makes sense in the context of a fully developed staff development process ?
19 Since they are not produced by the body , we must get them from our diet and a deficiency in one can lead to an impairment in others .
20 But no one agreed on who should lead the next government , nor on how long it should last .
21 Many Englishmen remained in France and joined the bands of soldiers who made their services available to whoever would lead or employ them .
22 Consideration of some of the justifications advanced for it will lead to casting doubts on its cogency .
23 Interest is not just academic for it could lead to better industrial catalysts that mildly and selectively oxygenate organic compounds — normally an energy intensive process that is quite difficult to control .
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