Example sentences of "[prep] [adj] once [art] " in BNC.

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1 But it 's not enough to play like that once every ten weeks . ’
2 This butterfly only migrates there in flocks like this once every four years .
3 Further protection is given to other creditors ( as Mr Berlyn mentions in his letter ) in that once a winding-up petition has been presented , the court may order that any other pending action or proceeding against the company should be restrained .
4 Marslen-Wilson , Tyler and Seidenberg ( 1978 ) take the view that this online view of language processing is not necessarily inconsistent with a weak form of the clausal hypothesis , in that once a complete information unit ( which may not always coincide with clause boundaries ) has been interpreted , other processing which results in the freeing of working memory then takes place .
5 If we were to deliberately over-provide , then I think it would be difficult to put a brake on this once a certain level of jobs had been reached , once the land is committed , there is a certain certainty attached to that commitment and I wonder how that would sit with the er guidance on development plans .
6 It rec , received a report therefore , from the Central Council of the World Counc , Council of Churches which meets I think , once a year Noel can correct me on this once a year , or a at least once every two years .
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