Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] herself with " in BNC.

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1 Tracey Cole , 18 , was found in her room at Oxford 's Lady Margaret Hall , after hanging herself with a dressing gown cord .
2 Probably it would be far more sensible to insist on being taken home , instead of torturing herself with his company with his nearness like this , but she could n't summon the will to argue it out , as she knew he would .
3 Jezrael hated being the only one there who wore a bodysuit but she would have hated more the embarrassment of displaying herself with all her imperfections to the crude and lumpen miners .
4 And when the satin had been recovered and she had found — after a painful , dry-mouthed fortnight of dosing herself with cheap gin and jumping down the cellar steps whenever Odette was not looking — that she was , miraculously , not pregnant , she had believed her luck to be on the turn .
5 But she did not strike him as a girl who would get much pleasure out of flagellating herself with self-loathing and trembling hypocrisy .
6 If it had ever existed , the cosy Whitehall corridor was long gone , though Agnes sometimes wondered what it would be like to concern herself with frustrating only other countries ' spies .
7 Having accepted that she must wear it , Alexandra then set herself to dress for the pleasure of the Rectory children , throwing good taste to the winds and insisting upon hanging herself with all that glittered from the jewel box Aunt Emily had left her , its rose suede depths heaped with treasures from Richard Talbot .
8 But its existence meant that Britain had joined the other major states of Europe in providing herself with a minister and an administrative machine designed to conduct and control foreign policy .
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