Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] latest " in BNC.

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1 We invented this game after investigating the latest scientific research into pheromones , the sex hormones which help us find and identify our partners .
2 He missed the second half of last season after undergoing the latest in a series of knee operations but is now determined to improve on only 12 first-class wickets .
3 It will decide whether to impose a ‘ red alert ’ , for the first time since 1975 , after collating the latest figures today .
4 Many waverers must have reached for their chequebooks and signed on with a green campaign organization after hearing the latest pronouncement assuring them that there really was something to worry about .
5 Mr Delors has been widely blamed for causing the latest crisis .
6 Defence and foreign policy , the necessity of employing the latest technology in areas such as transport , modern economic and cooperation policy and the associated taxation and planning requirements , above all defence and social policy … — all these things exercise an enormous centralising , unitary and equalising effect .
7 Now that the recession is in the process of revoking the latest of those excuses , Richard Mabey has a suggestion : let's re-examine the conceit of the indispensable human imprint and return some of the land , at least , to Nature .
8 The massive complex includes a 35,000 sq.m. ( 377,000 sq.ft. ) aircraft parking apron capable of facilitating the latest and largest version of the Boeing 747–400 series .
9 Whilst the signaller busied himself with decoding the latest message from on high , the Troop Commander 's mind raced back over a fairly hectic three weeks , Which had taken the troop from Hameln ( of Pied Piper fame ) , the regiment 's home base on the River Weser , eastwards to the River Leine and north the River Aller , before swinging north-west to the mouth of the Weser in the Bremerhaven area .
10 Most people incorrectly believe that you must belong to a gym which is equipped with ail the latest equipment in order to make any significant progress in weight training .
11 Data deficiencies pose least problems at the broad regional scale because the various sources provide relatively firm ground for examining the latest developments in the balance between North and South .
12 It is not clear who is responsible for stoking the latest tension .
13 If we consider the lessons that exist around us now , we may be able to see the projected increase resulting from using the latest technology as a medium for job creation instead of job loss .
14 However sick , vile and depraved the material may be , nothing can prevent an aura of moral and spiritual superiority from entwining the latest noise/horror collision , like a halo .
15 When the estate 's then owner , James Tyrell , decided on a new house and gardens in 1734 , he was set upon having the latest fashion .
16 It came from the paper 's Atticus column , and was a couple of years old — it looked as if Bill had n't yet got round to filing the latest news on Puddephat .
17 This week Bill Cash persuaded 105 other Tory MPs to sign a motion congratulating Mr Major for resisting the latest proposals for political and monetary union .
18 But his initial anger at finding the latest two victims of the insane killer 's bloodlust , blazed into an all-consuming hatred of the man who had done it .
19 By using the latest technology , he has developed a method to do it all at once .
20 Growing more food by using the latest technology will solve the problem
21 But by using the latest vitro-ceramic cookware with lids or by applying innovative shielding devices under development , it was possible , with the invaluable advice of the UK catering industry 's largest frozen food company , to produce the popular 9 x 9in multis from frozen in between 13–15 minutes , and from chilled , a half gastro size Deep Pan lasagne was ready for service in half an hour .
22 Schonberger ( 1986 ) argues that ‘ world-class manufacturing ’ status is not achieved merely by purchasing the latest equipment , and that the key roles of shop-floor operators in equipment set-up , maintenance and quality control need to be recombined .
23 The method of arriving at cost by applying the latest purchase price to the total number of units in stock is unacceptable in principle because it is not necessarily the same as actual cost and in times of rising prices , will result in the taking of a profit which has not been realised .
24 In an interview last month Oracle chief executive Larry Ellison said that technical advances now make it possible to create relatively inexpensive public databases , with telephone companies acting as the backbone for what he termed ‘ a huge emerging market , ’ enabling subscribers to store and recall voice messages and receive what he calls ‘ home mail ’ electronically , and that by matching the latest parallel processors with Oracle 's software , new data services could deliver information at a tenth the current cost .
25 We will then provide an estimate and advise you how to increase your protection by fitting the latest in high sensitivity circuit breakers which will trip automatically providing you with increased protection against shock and fire .
26 Consequently , many customers are banning smoking or restricting it to certain areas of the office or canteen , yet it is perfectly feasible to banish the smoke without banning smoking , by installing the latest electrostatic air filters .
27 The proclamation of Queen Victoria as Empress of India in 1877 heralded the emergence of the new imperialism in which European governments set out to conquer and control territory by exploiting the latest technology .
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