Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] earlier " in BNC.

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1 David Ashworth , 31 , was alleged to have killed his former lover Denise Johnston , after breaching an earlier order not to approach her , Liverpool magistrates heard .
2 There may be a general tendency to exaggerate ; couples seem to be more willing to abandon expectations of a third child than they are to opt for a third child after stating an earlier preference for two .
3 By the time the PAC had returned to the negotiating table in April , after boycotting an earlier round of talks within the framework of the Convention for a Democratic South Africa , it had adopted a highly equivocal stand on violence , committing itself to a negotiated settlement but asserting its right to continue the ‘ armed struggle ’ .
4 After missing an earlier deadline of December 1990 and a series of other target dates for completing the round , negotiators were trying to meet GATT Secretary-General Arthur Dunkel 's new target of April [ see p. 38746 ] .
5 In southwest England an early paper by Waters ( 1957 ) demonstrated the significance of differential weathering in oldlands and gave the basis for a new way of regarding the earlier stages of landscape evolution .
6 We have set about this task by seeking to extend the earlier analysis , and much of the discussion takes the form of modifying the earlier general equilibrium equations .
7 Of course , the watchword here is certainly ‘ vintage ’ and Fender are well practised in the art of duplicating an earlier model in a successful range .
8 What nobody seemed to notice was that the text of Article 23 , by referring to ‘ pre-trial discovery of documents as known in Common Law countries ’ , and especially in omitting the earlier reference to discovery between the parties , covered some types of the form of discovery known in the United States , which is far wider in its scope than that known in other Common Law countries .
9 There also seemed little point in rebuilding the earlier tree structures with new word lists on the latest machines .
10 This is well demonstrated by Gumperz ( 1982 : 85 ) in discussing an earlier study of Hindi and Punjabi used by college students in Delhi ( Gumperz 1971 ) : " The two codes here appear indistinguishable phonetically and almost identical in both syntax and lexicon .
11 For this reason it is vital that the new structure behind the facade is designed so that it can be dismantled without damaging the earlier structure .
12 The offer from the Anglo-Swedish consortium formed by Tiphook and Stena AB is the subject of an appeal in the Bermudan courts which is aimed at overturning an earlier ruling allowing SeaCo to proceed with its ‘ poison pill ’ defence .
13 We nevertheless ensured that as individuals they were selected in a random way , by using an earlier sample survey as our starting list .
14 The annual growth rate can be calculated by subtracting the earlier year 's membership from the later year 's .
15 Forster and Olbrei conclude from this that syntactic analysis is autonomous , and suggest that the difference between their results and those of Slobin ( 1966 ) and Herriot ( 1969 ) could be explained by viewing the earlier results as an artefact of the tasks used .
16 Brian Allen enlivens portraiture 's ‘ Reign of Dullness , 1720–1760 ’ , chiefly famous for the sneering of French commentators like Le Blanc and Rouquet , by discovering a earlier , more pervasive ( and more constructive ) Continental influence on the London portrait market than has hitherto been recognised .
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