Example sentences of "[prep] [verb] [art] further " in BNC.

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1 After serving a further 20 per cent of their sentence in a semi-open regime , inmates are moved on to an open system ;
2 He was transferred after waiting a further month for a bed to become vacant .
3 It was soon over , the patient was shown out after making a further appointment , and they were admitted .
4 Tabai , who had been President since independence , was constitutionally prohibited for serving a further term in office .
5 Tabai , who had been President since independence , was constitutionally prohibited for serving a further term in office .
6 If successful , however , the likelihood is that users will contribute resources towards establishing a further six common features : talks begin again early next year .
7 Because of the high risk of developing a further cancer the patient was entered into the surveillance programme .
8 He added that Croda-funded research at Stirling was now targeted towards developing a further ‘ Lorenzo 's Oil ’ which it was hoped could be used in the treatment of multiple sclerosis .
9 It was widely known , however , that China had been pressing for a Japanese imperial visit for some time as a means of marking a further stage in the country 's rehabilitation from the diplomatic isolation which had followed the Tiananmen Square massacre .
10 I turned to Lorne , who was also having difficulty in breathing , and was quite aware of the idiocy of attempting a further rope descent ( and hopefully subsequent ascent ) with our equipment .
11 This has led to the legitimate graphic device of breaking the further line as it passes behind the near line .
12 The initial conceptual models were developed almost intuitively , based on the idea that , for a College to be self-sufficient , the income received must be at least equal to the cost of providing the further education courses at the required level .
13 The prospect of1993 and the abolition of customs controls between EC countries has spurred the Italian State to set itself the awe-inspiring task of cataloguing a further two million items of its national heritage within two years in execution of its duty to ‘ care for Italy 's landscape , history and cultural heritage ’ ( to quote the Constitution ) .
14 These have the great merit of needing no further legislation …
15 I also give a guarantee that it is n't just a one off situation , meeting we all go away and forget about what we 've said I can assure you that wo n't happen minutes have been taken and and what 's been said this evening that will be conveyed to the management committee meeting the board meeting and I think we need to look very clearly at a very closely what 's been said and respond to what 's been said and I think that it 's been suggested also raised this evening about having a further meeting to report back and say erm this has been said this is our response .
16 For the first time — before announcing a further base rate cut to seven per cent — he admitted millions of mortgage payers and business people suffered needlessly with too-high interest rates earlier this year .
17 I have pleasure in enclosing a further submission in response to your Tourism 2000 consultation .
18 The purpose of this paper is to indicate — by reference to cases coming before the industrial tribunals — that dismissal of a convicted and imprisoned employee is far from always fair and that some industrial tribunals ensure that employers are discouraged from adding a further punishment to the one already imposed by the proper authorities .
19 We succeeded in negotiating a further period of tenure , until April 1996 , at a rent substantially lower than we have previously paid .
20 VISCOUNT CAVE L.C. : No doubt there is an absolute unconditional obligation binding the police authorities to take all steps which appear to them to be necessary for keeping the peace , for preventing crime , or for protecting property from criminal injury ; and the public , who pay for this protection through the rates and taxes , can not lawfully be called upon to make a further payment for that which is their right …
21 The old gelada male , by contrast , is not driven forth , his young are not killed , and he may assist the newcomer in preventing a further takeover of the group .
22 Since Seia is coheir , and therefore already in receipt of a benefit under the testator 's will , the trust with which she is burdened is valid , and does not ( as in the previous case ) depend on construing a further disposition of which she is the beneficiary .
23 The conditions under which the loans were made committed India to seeking a further three-year extended fund facility ( EFF ) loan worth up to $5,000 million-$7,000 million and also to reducing its budget deficit to 5 per cent in 1991-92 .
24 However , it is worth noting that the London Basin is interrupted by a well-known series of uplifts stretching from the Thames Estuary to Windsor which it is difficult to account for without postulating a further line of basement dislocations , possibly Variscan in origin .
25 Foreign assistance has taken some of the strain off the Jordanian authorities ; with Canada now pledging two point two million dollars in aid , and the European Community committing itself to sending a further three point seven million dollars in food aid .
26 He attacks oralism as an additional depriving agent since it insists on having no further stimulation other than speech , when it is the language stimulation which is most important not the modality of stimulation .
27 Thank you very much for making a further valuable contribution to the work of our Tourism Group .
28 However , it is worth making a further point about the link between modern society 's sense of rationality and higher education , which emerges from the analysis of rationality offered by Jurgen Habermas .
29 The proposals are therefore aimed at stimulating the further development of the ‘ mixed economy ’ of care .
30 In my statement to the House of 15 January , I explained th steps that I had taken to improve the first five environmentally sensitive areas designated in 1987 , my plans for reviewing this year those ESAs designated in 1988 , including any boundary adjustments , and my timetable for designating a further 12 areas this year and in 1993 .
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