Example sentences of "[prep] [conj] close to " in BNC.

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1 For those in social housing in or close to the LDDC , there is little to suggest any short-to medium-term improvement in housing conditions .
2 Boboli is only one of several historic gardens in or close to Florence which are in a lamentable state of maintenance : these include the Giardino dei Semplici , that of the Villa Medicea at Castello , and Pratolino , which is being restored .
3 Ordeals had taken place in or close to churches — the chronicler , Eadmer , writes in the early twelfth century of ordeals being conducted in the baptistery at the east end of Canterbury cathedral where former archbishops were buried — and so confused the ecclesiastical and the secular law , the law of the Church and the law of the State .
4 We shall also be celebrating our 40th Anniversary in 1992 and look forward to a national celebration in or close to London .
5 Do not dry wet clothes on or close to heaters .
6 Working at or close to maximum rpm , an engine is relying entirely on power ( = torque × rpm ) to overcome resistance and/or accelerate .
7 The extinction of many marine foraminiferal and ostracode species at or close to the Eocene-Oligocene boundary could be bound up with the establishment of the layer of cold , deep water in the oceans known as the psychrosphere .
8 In all of these proteins , however , the metal is bound at or close to the surface .
9 A number of highly conserved glycines and other small residues at the C terminus of GH5 lie at or close to the turn of the β -hairpin , and presumably are required to form the hairpin without steric hindrance .
10 During the summer breeding gulls , skuas , terns and cormorants feed close to land ; the rest range widely over the ocean , browsing at or close to the surface in single-species or mixed flocks .
11 There were no sustained views that stress — arising again in the main from discipline issues — could be alleviated by efforts directed at or close to its source .
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