Example sentences of "[prep] [pron] turned out " in BNC.

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1 At least forty-eight loyalists were arrested , two of whom turned out to be full-time members of the Ulster Defence Regiment .
2 Press reports cited evidence of his involvement with the USA , including his use of a US military helicopter to travel from Beirut to Cyprus in 1986 and his involvement in the release of three US hostages , the Rev. Benjamin Weir , freed on Sept. 14 , 1985 , and Lawrence Jenco and David Jacobsen , released on July 26 and Nov. 2 , 1986 , respectively , all of whom turned out to have been traded for arms .
3 Some of them turned out to be not as indifferent to my plight as I 'd feared they all would be , and a few murmured that if I did really feel strongly about the way I had been treated , I should indeed take the matter up with the Senate .
4 There were plenty of kittiwakes , but on closer inspection some of them turned out to be Icelandic gulls .
5 This is partly because , at least in the cases of Montenegro and Kosovo , large foreign loans were raised for investments in infrastructure and heavy industry ( much of which turned out to be unprofitable ) .
6 In turn , this implied that deviants should exhibit a ‘ gap ’ between their conventional aspirations and expectations , and should be clearly differentiated from non-deviants by their adherence to oppositional values ( neither of which turned out to be the case ) .
7 Visible streams of what turned out to be high frequency radiation flowed from the output lead and burnt out all the de-capped car headlamps we could find !
8 ‘ We are dealing with the assumed possession by the officers of government of what turned out to be a void authority .
9 My lack of means is extreme , granted , and I look bad , skin white , mouth chapped , body apparently even shorter than usual , eye roaming and I daresay a bit fretful , trousers in bad shape , attention astray for a book lying around to pinch or even an old magazine , since I sold a few volumes I should now like to have kept , in exchange for a slug of what turned out to be the world 's nastiest though cheapest whiskey .
10 In fact , unbeknown to them , Franco had played a crucial role in the failure of what turned out to be the last of these , in September 1936 , shortly before his elevation to the position of Head of State .
11 ‘ I mean , Emma 's no slouch in the looks department , as you know , but this Cindy of yours is like — well , like something turned out by a machine .
12 In the light of this and a vivid description of an unexpected home delivery to my husband — we were taking no chances — and I was rushed to the Birmingham Maternity Hospital , with 5 minute contractions , the evening before the 2nd Estimated Day Delivery with what turned out to be a false alarm !
13 The immediate result of the New Hampshire election Buchanan got almost 40% of the vote was therefore the resignation three days later of NEA Chairman John Frohnmayer , a politically well-connected Oregon lawyer with what turned out to be surprisingly little political skill .
14 Some of the mouse cells became cancerous in consequence , and the human DNA retrieved from them turned out to contain a mutant version of a normal cellular gene .
15 He dismissed this as irrelevant and his use of metaphor , in what turned out to be an eighty-minute interview , was most revealing .
16 From his digs at 113 Cowley Road , Thomas wrote his first letter to Harry Hooton : ‘ My dear Mr. Hooton , I matriculated today before the Vice-Chancellor of the University , and , in consequence , I am left a little freer of time and heart : for until then , I feared failure in what turned out to be the easy matric. exam. , and worked to the exclusion of almost all else : which is the explanation of time and heart . ’
17 When James Callaghan accelerated the debate in 1976 , the quality of discussion was indeed raised , in what turned out to be the Schools Council 's declining years , under the combined influence of the Chair , John Tomlinson , and the Secretary , John Mann .
18 Here , a British chain store reproduced my original designs in what turned out to be a very successful venture .
19 The organizers would like to thank all those who took part in what turned out to be a really enjoyable and exciting event and would like to congratulate the winners in each of the categories .
20 When a crisis blew up between Israel and Egypt in 1967 , London and Washington briefly took the lead in what turned out to be an abortive attempt to organize an international naval force to re-open the disputed Straits of Tiran .
21 The temple sits some fifty feet down in its own huge sandpit , buried for centuries until someone tripped over what turned out to be the top of a pillar .
22 They stood with their backs to what turned out to be a mud-built shack on the left .
23 The hydrofoil left Narvik in the early evening bound for Svolvær , on what turned out to be one of the loveliest journeys I have ever taken .
24 But , as it happens , I took no advice at all before embarking on what turned out to be a disturbing exploration of my own personality .
25 On what turned out to be the final day , Salisbury , having relished an hour in the heat of battle , was lbw , yorked , by a big Akram inswinger , and thereafter a wicket fell every 18 minutes ; 17 in all ; some through the caprice of the pitch , some through frailty , most because of devastatingly purposeful bowling .
26 Already in 1860 Crookes had embarked on what turned out to be an important journalistic enterprise , launching the weekly Chemical News , which he edited until 1906 .
27 On one of our south coast patrols I managed to be in at the kill on what turned out to be one of our more amusing combined operations .
28 We set off for the ‘ shoot ’ on what turned out to be a dull , damp and extremely grey day , to Ickworth House and gardens — a National Trust property — near Bury St. Edmunds .
29 Plus it turned out that he was a speed dealer .
30 I called Koons at his home in Munich during what turned out to be a temporary separation .
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