Example sentences of "[prep] [noun] turned up " in BNC.

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1 But as time went on and techniques advanced , they found that peculiar sorts of molecules turned up , rather unusual ones , things that were n't expected — molecules that are very uncommon on the earth and in fact a number of molecules were discovered in interstellar space before they were discovered in the laboratory .
2 After the horse was bedded down it was time for Sirrell to celebrate properly , and most of Nantgaredig turned up to assist : he eventually got to bed at 3 a.m .
3 For months afterwards copies of forms turned up all over the Manchester office .
4 The Cheetahs lost 47 to 43 at Bellevue over the weekend , but despite that defeat hundreds of supporters turned up to see world cup er world champion Hans Nielsen in training last night relieved and smiling that their hero was staying in Oxford .
5 A stream of visitors turned up at the camp .
6 Later the same day Douglas , Duke of Hamilton — frustrated past belief turned up at the Foreign Office in London and informed them that he was seeking an urgent audience with the King .
7 Plenty of people turned up , including Mark Lennox Boyd , one of the influential and able new generation of Conservatives , and MP for ITE Merlewood , the Father of the House , John Parker , who has been campaigning on the environment and forestry since 1935 , and a Green troika of David Clark , Opposition spokesman on environment , Peter Hardy , author of a book on badgers , and chairman of the Council of Europe Agricultural Committee , and me .
8 I was invited to open functions in various parts of the Yorkshire Dales and quite a surprising number of people turned up .
9 And although scores of people turned up looking for a pet , new waifs were being brought in almost as quickly .
10 There were 9 separate incidents in Oxford on saturday night and crowds of people turned up on the Blackbird Leys estate and in Rosehill to watch the stolen car displays .
11 There were 9 separate incidents in Oxford on saturday night and crowds of people turned up on the Blackbird Leys estate and in Rosehill to watch the stolen car displays .
12 Thousands of travellers turned up , and although police say the weekend went well , there were complaints of noise , drug abuse and a lack of police presence .
13 According to many accounts , middle-class complacency was severely shocked by the evidence of the children 's condition : in Newcastle , for example , of 31,000 children registering for evacuation , 13% were found to be deficient in footwear and 21 % deficient in clothing ; in Scotland , 39% of children turned up in clothing that was ‘ bad or deplorable ’ .
14 Consequently , the last line of his life parroted the last line of his masterpiece : at his funeral a picket of soldiers turned up to fire a volley over the coffin , and thus bid the state 's traditional farewell to one of its most improbable and sardonic chevaliers .
15 In 1975 , the year after the fall of Haile Selassie , and four years before the fall of the Shah , the witness of revolutions turned up in Angola for the abandonment of their colony by the Portuguese : the subject of the third of these books of his .
16 The result was so spectacular that those of us in the front line who were showered with debris turned up at future games wearing motorbike goggles to protect our eyes and in honour of our hero .
17 Outside an elevated railroad station men in raincoats with collars turned up and hats with brims snapped down bustled busily , coming from and going to nowhere in particular .
18 A similar appeal in May turned up new faces , several of whom are still in the reckoning for a place on the under-international panel .
19 ‘ This list of rare plants in Durham turned up in various correspondences , but it was always assumed that it was Stephen Robson 's list , ’ says Alec .
20 Magharba reinforcements from Bishr turned up and camped in a clump of trees a few kilometres west of town .
21 Stars such as Richard Gere , Cindy Crawford , Richard Dreyfuss and Woody Harrelson from Cheers turned up to lend their support .
22 A group from Switzerland turned up on the doorstep of Low Birk Hatt on her birthday ( they knew — they had gifts ) , a whole cheese arrived overland from New Zealand , and the rooms at the farm began to fill up .
23 ‘ Kitty disappeared off the face of the earth and then without warning turned up in Whitechapel with a man in a motor car ; neither of them seemed to be hers but she looked very pleased with life . ’
24 Dozens of disabled from all over Gloucestershire turned up to give it a try .
25 I studied piano , too , then trombone , but it was n't until someone at school turned up with a guitar which had been ‘ converted ’ into a bass that I really thought about the instrument .
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