Example sentences of "[noun sg] emerged [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 At one point , the German countess emerged from the midst of the gentlemen and before I had had a chance to serve her , began helping herself to some port from my tray .
2 It proved to be too little , too late , however , and Labour emerged from the election with fewer MPs than at any time for 50 years .
3 It suffered its next severe blow in 1968 , when it was left on the shelf after a round of mergers from which the British banking industry emerged in the state it remained in until this year .
4 The LCS — Party of Democratic Renewal emerged as the largest single party in the Chamber , taking 17 per cent and 14 seats , while the ZSMZ — Liberal Party ( formerly the Slovene Socialist Youth Federation ) took 14.49 per cent and 12 seats .
5 A LIGHT emerged at the end of the tunnel for Greatham road safety campaigners last week .
6 We climbed eight pitches of glassy ice through the storm and at nightfall emerged on the summit ridge , already close to exhaustion and chilled to the bone .
7 A police car emerged from the other alleyway and screeched to a halt ten yards in front of Whitlock , blocking his shot .
8 A car emerged from the dark between two tenements and passed by the building , slowed by the still-growing crowd .
9 A different gap emerged in the Andersonstown data , which probably reflected the structure of the participant-observer 's own social network ; only one male in the older age group was contacted .
10 This period was impoverished in Latin American Marxist thought compared to the 1920s : no figure emerged with the stature of Mariátegui or Haya de la Torre .
11 As I passed the bottom of Crag Woods a figure emerged from the undergrowth .
12 A frail-looking figure emerged from the forest .
13 I was just getting back into the driving seat when there was a shout and a figure emerged from the gully about fifty metres above me .
14 From the sitting-room window I watched him stride out along Fernhill Walk , every so often the street lamps showing him in relief as his bulky figure emerged from the shadows .
15 A figure emerged from the doorway , a figure almost as gigantic as he .
16 As he left the encampment behind , a slim , ragged figure emerged from the undergrowth to intercept him .
17 Each member country presented a report to the summit , from which desertification , soil erosion and deforestation emerged as the main problems .
18 A silver dot emerged from the planet 's aura .
19 Human resource management emerged in the 1980s to compensate for these shortcomings .
20 A clear difference between Smith and Gould on the question of trade union influence emerged at the two men 's rival press conferences on Tuesday .
21 A girl emerged from the dairy with a pan of milk and was instantly surrounded by the stable cats , mewing pleadingly as though they had not caught a single mouse for days .
22 A young woman in a pink overall emerged from the back , looking harassed .
23 A guard emerged from the hut behind the boomgate and approached the Golf .
24 Elsewhere in the county Quakerism emerged in the 1650s to be fairly firmly suppressed by a gentry worried about its revolutionary tendencies ; Thomas Haycock of Horsham went to gaol in 1656 as its first Sussex victim .
25 He lifted his hands and as they closed over the aching swollen curves a sound female and feral emerged from the back of her throat .
26 Through the opened curtain Carolyn saw the dawn dimness light up as the rising sun emerged over the rim of the world and the quiet undertow of bird clatter rose to a crescendo of calls and squawks .
27 A ten-point plan emerged during the spring of 1984 .
28 As a status it is already evident in the Greek polis as that form of polity emerged from the mists of the Homeric age .
29 They argued contentedly about which saint emerged as the more attractive personality : St Benedict won on grounds of religious influence , St Luke on those of influence over secular life , because of his gospel .
30 EVENTUALLY Mike Hall emerged as the choice of Alec Evans as Cardiff captain .
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