Example sentences of "[noun sg] turns out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 This unusual experience turns out to be informative and fun .
2 There are many new motorways not shown ; the detailed form of the roads is not reproduced faithfully ; and what is shown on the map to be an isolated settlement turns out to be hardly any bigger than the many other settlements you can see .
3 The disruptive rhetorical structure in this case turns out to be the undecidability between inside and outside worlds within the figure of metaphor .
4 But masked first-person narrative turns out to be deflected stream of consciousness — ‘ He was not really afraid ’ will only transpose into ‘ I 'm not really afraid ’ flitting through his head as he passes the landlady 's open kitchen door — so that the past tense collapses into the present , and we find we have put our finger on something pertinent to the novel 's urgency and attack and ( to borrow Andrew Forge 's ugly but useful key-term for late Monet ) its frontality .
5 He crushed them up But this powder turns out to be Soneryl . ’
6 The ark turns out to be decidedly too hot to handle .
7 The difficulty is that , however strong in outline , the characterization turns out to be weak in detail .
8 It should therefore be of little surprise if the expenditure on inner city regeneration turns out to be a risible fraction of that necessary to have a major impact on the level of urban immiseration as long as it can still produce the sort of photogenic spectacle so clearly embodied in Birmingham 's super-prix or Phoenix 's grand prix , Boston and New York 's marathons or Liverpool 's Tall Ships Race .
9 Since this second sufficient condition turns out to be of some importance , it might be useful to have an intuitive idea of what is involved .
10 They 've had some important and notable cup victories here in their time have Shrewsbury Town , but none can have been as dramatic as this match , whatever the final result turns out to be .
11 But the notion of an instrument turns out to be as empty as his posturing .
12 Attention in these films , like in realist films , is called to the referent , only the referent turns out to be , like the ear or the flowers in Blue Velvet and the imaged and real automobiles in Jules 's living quarters in Diva , a set of false , glossy , or monstrous signifiers .
13 ‘ Let's just say , Mr Newman , that in so many murder enquiries the culprit turns out to be the person who discovered the body .
14 Sometimes , the model or theory being examined leads into a blind alley or the methodology turns out to be faulty , and the researcher feels as if the effort involved was worthless .
15 which is about the future and about as accurate as any forecasting of the future turns out to be , a robot agitator is formed in the shape of a young woman .
16 Recent ethnography of writing has demonstrated that the same is true for many contemporary societies now labelled ‘ literate ’ ; much of the practice turns out to be , as in Iran ( see below , Section 2 ) , writing names on crates of produce , keeping records of business transactions , writing cheques etc. , or , as in English factories , reading warning or instruction labels , one-word sign symbols and signing names or filling in forms ( see Section 3 ) .
17 Although it is fashionable to talk about its value ‘ for its own sake ’ , what prompts the theorising is the strong and well-founded belief that the experiences of childhood affect the kind of adult which the child turns out to be .
18 Electromagnetic radiation oscillating v times a second turns out to be made up of a whole number of packets of energy , each of amount unc where h is Planck 's celebrated constant .
19 These difficulties may arise especially when the program in question turns out to be more useful and successful than the parties originally envisaged .
20 Here we do indeed find an example of a ‘ liquidation ’ of history which , it will be recalled , is exactly the accusation that Terry Eagleton makes against poststructuralism ; but the actual example in Bachelard demonstrates how much more complex the issue turns out to be .
21 The strident claims of the manufacturer — MSD — are supported by two references : of these one is quoted no less than four times , but on reading the small print this reference turns out to be ‘ data on file Merck , Sharp and Dohme Ltd ’ — hardly the most impartial of sources .
22 But if marriage turns out to be less than satisfactory in the arena of personal fulfilment , this is not only for the marriage partners .
23 In Leeds a professional burglar turns out to be just 13 , with a record stretching back to when he was seven .
24 Perhaps most compelling of all , an Agency dedicated to ultra-patriotism turns out to be a ruthless engine of internal subversion .
25 When this and the regeneration/resurrection theme are brought to bear upon the remark about Bazarov and the 1840s , what seemed a difference of degree turns out to be one of a kind .
26 But whether artificial intelligence turns out to be good enough for the movie makers is likely to be another matter .
27 Motorola Inc 's internal IT General Systems Sector turns out to be its biggest Unix customer .
28 He has used the bill as security to borrow money ; if that security turns out to be worthless , then he should be liable for compensation to the lender of funds .
29 In this case , the characteristic impedance turns out to be simply Particularly interesting behaviour arises when the choice , is made , for then equals the fixed resistance at all frequencies and correct termination is easy .
30 When a record turns out to be a synonym , there are two alternatives : these are to store the synonym at once , in which case the process is called a one-pass load , or to load it in two passes , which is called a two-pass load .
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