Example sentences of "[noun sg] just along the " in BNC.

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1 Yet the bed looked clean-sheeted and felt comfortable ; and there was a lavatory just along the corridor ( the lady had said ) , a bathroom one floor down , and a Residents ' TV Lounge beside Reception .
2 The regiment had come ashore that morning and were going into action that evening , attacking the village just along the road , about two hundred yards from the edge of our village and close to No. 6 Commando positions .
3 There is a counter attack going on , and the target is the next village just along the road there , ’ indicating with his forefinger in the direction of No. 6 Commando positions in and around the Saulnier farm at the other end of the village .
4 I spoke to one of the medics , he informed me that the attack on the village just along the road was under way and already there were many casualties , particularly among 6 Commando , due to the heavy shelling from the Allied and German guns .
5 He passed me by , probably more concerned about his own men of 6 Commando and the large number of casualties inflicted on the Commandos during the attack on the enemy positions in the village just along the road .
6 The room just along the corridor from where the Marshal had been waiting was stuffy and fetid with the smell of old unwashed clothing and mothballs .
7 Pat 's crater was a very good French brandy that he had probably scrounged from somewhere local , most likely the Chateau just along the road .
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