Example sentences of "[noun sg] so far [conj] " in BNC.

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31 If , as a result of its inquiries under s47 , it concludes that certain action should be taken to safeguard or promote a child 's welfare it must take that action so far as it is both within its power and reasonably practicable for it to do so ( s47(8) ) .
32 No one doubted that the disqualification remained in force so far as clergymen of the Church of England were concerned but the position of clergymen of the Irish Church remained in doubt until the election of one of them , the Rev. MacManaway , in 1950 .
33 Chapter 12 contains summaries of the regulatory material presently in force so far as it may affect the running of the partnership business .
34 Jenkins ( 1987 ) describes effectiveness research so far as a ‘ limited concept , primarily relating to the intervention process ’ and with little validity in the ‘ macro area ’ .
35 To quote that part of this Act so far as it affects a member of a local authority may be useful .
36 Section 3 of that Act so far as relevant provides :
37 Counsel for the defenders submitted essentially that the Lord Ordinary had erred in law in concluding that the declaration in the application form was part of a contract between the pursuers and the Alliance Building Society to which the provisions of the act applied , rather than concluding that the declaration was non-contractual in character and accordingly not caught by the provisions of the act so far as applicable to Scotland .
38 ‘ I 've heard no hevidence so far that the poor lady did . ’
39 International Law so far as this Court is concerned , is the body of doctrine regarding the international rights and duties of States which has been adopted and made part of the Law of Scotland .
40 by the loading or unloading of a vehicle so far as concerns loading or unloading risk cover by a Motor Policy ; or
41 Arafat , speaking on the PLO Voice of Palestine radio from the Yemen capital of San'aa on July 10 , dismissed the dialogue so far as merely " a contact between two ambassadors , nothing more , nothing less " , and accused the US side of suspending these contacts at Israel 's request .
42 In contemporary British society this link is accepted to a greater degree so far as the care of children and motherhood is concerned , though social attitudes still reveal some of the same ambivalence .
43 Accordingly , if Mr. Lassman is correct , that kind of activity of going straight to the in-house computer and extracting confidential information from it could be committed with impunity so far as the three offences in this Act are concerned .
44 " From this resolution of the Presbytery Mr Pearson asked to leave the chair , which was granted , to enter his dissent so far as regards Mr Charles McNeill . "
45 He had asked if what was wanted was a detailed account of the whole course of the investigation so far or a brief statement of what was known .
46 It came to the reverse conclusion so far as the crime of administering a drug for the purpose of obtaining sexual intercourse was concerned and recommended that all sexual acts should be covered .
47 Whether any alternative leadership could have gone further in this direction in the 1960s and 1970s is an open question , but I have argued that it is not useful to conceive of the record so far as merely one of ‘ betrayal ’ .
48 The lord abbot here has been good enough to admit me to his confidence so far as is appropriate , since I was a witness of what happened this morning , but now you have cause to enquire further , as I understand .
49 ( 3 ) The particular factors referred to above are — ( a ) the nature and scale of the institution 's operations ; and ( b ) the risks inherent in those operations and , if the institution is a body corporate , in the operations of any other body corporate in the same group so far as capable of affecting the institution .
50 Sheriff Brian Lockhart , who is presiding over the fatal accident inquiry , asked whether the Newton plans , referred to throughout five weeks of the inquiry so far as ‘ single lead ’ had not been considered to be so at the time .
51 It sounded as if he needed another pair of hands for the trip ahead — which was another reprieve so far as Robbie was concerned .
52 Indeed , they may be able to help the would-be Texas traveller by uncovering the fact that Philadelphia or New Hampshire may be more productive places to seek a placement to seek a placement so far as child abuse is concerned .
53 I beat the school 's fastest runner in the 100 metres sprint , breaking the finishing tape just before the other runners manage to leave their starting blocks ; I smash the school long jump record by 15 metres ( give or take a metre ) and I hurl the discus so far that Miss Harrison , the teacher in charge of the event , has to get her battered Mini from the car park to retrieve the discus for the next competitor ( who manages a measly 25cm ) .
54 This may help to explain , even if it does not wholly excuse , the extraordinary silence of the laws of war so far as nuclear weapons are concerned .
55 This argument seems to me sound so far as it goes , but it does not go very far .
56 One or two stretch the notion of individual guilt so far that they embark on self-mutilation .
57 The perceived role of the Court and of the Commission as the twin guardians of the Treaty will be sufficient in practice to ensure that the Commission will determine the limits of its own field of competence so far as Article 38 and subsidiarity are concerned .
58 But they came the closest to looking like husband and wife so far when Charles handed Diana his pen after signing the visitors ' book at an Anglican Cathedral .
59 Only the dull earth can purify me , contact with all else is a defilement so far as I am concerned .
60 The general purpose of these provisions is to allow the court so far as possible to settle competing claims in one set of proceedings .
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