Example sentences of "[noun sg] has a strong " in BNC.

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1 Its Italian cuisine has a strong emphasis on Tuscan dishes .
2 Left : The cheerful kitchen has a strong blue and yellow theme
3 The course has a strong practical bias , and seeks to emphasise the value of transferable skills and the need to see ‘ theatre ’ as relevant and topical in its application to social and community contexts .
4 The course has a strong literary focus , with many extracts from well-known 19th and 20th century writers , from Oscar Wilde to Roald Dahl , in both reading and listening material .
5 The course has a strong grammar base with questions , explanations , and practice designed to encourage students to think about the structures they are studying and the rules behind them .
6 The department has a strong record of publication and excellent links with Scandinavian universities , with other U.K. departments and with the Edinburgh-based cultural institutions , eg the Danish Institute and the Norwegian Consulate .
7 The department has a strong research base reflecting commitment to clinical nursing and the utilisation of research .
8 The practice has a strong industrial and commercial base and has progressed steadily , investing most of the profits in sophisticated research and information systems .
9 This remedy has a strong affinity for catarrhal states of mucous membranes .
10 However , his view that each thing has an essence and that all its active behaviour is to be explained by its inbuilt conatus or striving to preserve its own essence has a strong Aristotelian flavour .
11 Ideas about not ‘ burdening others ’ with personal problems , that discussing them denotes some kind of ‘ personal weakness ’ , are common within the older generations , especially when the prospective counsellee has a strong sense of personal dignity and pride .
12 The Faculty of Business and Management has a strong commitment to economic regeneration and an established track record in contributing to the revival of the economic life of the province .
13 Obviously , a publisher must bargain hard , and may have special cause to do so if the property in question has a strong and valuable branding , but , if ever a deal is to be made , the publisher needs to be sensitive to the real commercial worth of his material in the broader context of multimedia development .
14 Edinburgh District Council has a strong commitment to equal opportunities and I am only too happy to support an event at which the many different cultures , religions and experiences of women in Edinburgh today were represented .
15 These close links mean that the Faculty has a strong interdisciplinary emphasis , which recognises both the value of traditional legal scholarship and the importance of studying law in broader social and theoretical perspectives .
16 Furthermore , for Sp1 , we have shown that the kinase has a strong preference for DNA-bound substrate , due to the fact that efficient phosphorylation only takes place when the kinase and Sp1 are bound in cis on the same DNA molecule ( 4 , 11 ) .
17 The distinction between grammar and meaning has a strong intuitive basis ( notwithstanding difficulties of characterisation , and regions of uncertainty ) .
18 In contrast to the blue and yellow , the main living room has a strong pink and blue theme .
19 The raccoon has a strong preference for aquatic feeding .
20 This notion has a strong hold on popular consciousness , political debate , and even some writing in social science ( for further discussion , see Finch , 1987b ) .
21 Revell has a strong and distinctive style , allied with a sound guitar building technique — not spectacular , but clean and efficient enough .
22 The Brygos Painter 's picture is pure archaic ; the other has a strong infusion of the classical though held strictly within the archaic framework .
23 In breach of confidence cases , the rule against prior restraint does not apply : even if the newspaper has a strong defence , the story may be injuncted until trial of the action if the " balance of convenience " so dictates .
24 In every country that published relevant national statistics , maternal age has a strong effect on maternal mortality , showing a much higher risk of dying of maternity related causes for those nearer the limits of the childbearing period than for those in their prime childbearing ages .
25 The Aird baby has a strong cast of thought and he imposes himself , philosophically speaking ; as he stared at me , lying on my lap , he seemed like a hand of mine .
26 The expectation that students with A or B ( or their equivalents in other systems for dispensing approval ) will be in the minority has a strong hold in classrooms .
27 Education again provides a good example : central government has a strong interest in the provision of an education service which meets its perception of national priorities ; local people , especially parents , expect to have considerable influence over the education provided for their children .
28 This poem has a strong anti-war message warning of the pointlessness of war and this is reflected in the title ‘ Futility ’ which means uselessness .
29 For example , a broker might know that one market maker has a strong demand for CDs of six month maturity , but can only find an issuer willing to issue at three months .
30 We need to be aware that this approach has a strong emotional appeal and that using it involves taking responsibility and guiding these emotions , once engaged .
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