Example sentences of "[noun sg] on [art] stairs " in BNC.

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1 We were taken in by the lies which the Lebanese told about themselves ; we had to believe we had not seen the blood on the stairs .
2 Brenda Ford is the name of the girl who broke her neck on the stairs .
3 ‘ So what 's a legit doing sleeping on the stairs ?
4 Frankie nodded his head in the dim light on the stairs .
5 I did n't see any more because there 's no light in my passage and the light on the stairs was out .
6 Catherine said the music sounded sweeter from high up , and so she went to sit in the dark on the stairs .
7 He had taken a seat on the stairs while McNab was speaking .
8 She never heard the front door close , nor his foot fall on the stairs , nor even the bedroom door slowly opening behind her .
9 For a long time , she was afraid to pass the portrait on the stairs of the one he called the Hanging Judge .
10 The untransformed house had contained treasures as well as horrors , including the portrait on the stairs , and the restored chandelier which now hung , glittering and refracting , from the centre of the ornate ceiling , above the heads of Charles and Alix , who sat disposed , glass in hand , at either end of one of the long settees , and above Esther , who stood by the fireplace reading the Headleand invitations to parties and lectures and public meetings .
11 A crash on the stairs and a thumping on the door opposite jerks her attention back to the lavatory door which badly needs repainting .
12 They squatted opposite each other on the top floor , on the landing , in the bright April light , which came , slightly dimmed by dirt , through the window on the stairs .
13 Leaving by a window on the stairs , I was able to avoid the mud that carpeted the ground floor .
14 The minister 's entourage and assembled media swept into the narrow office building only to grind to a halt on the stairs while he and Mr Fallon shut themselves off for a brief chat .
15 There was much running of baths , rushing about with garments , laughter on the stairs and in the bedrooms ; telephoning of florist for more button-holes ; small boys trying to help and being urged to be careful .
16 So then Pete had told him , truthfully , word-for-word and without any embellishment ; about the shotgun , and the pigeons , and the misunderstanding on the stairs .
17 I knew she was just as scared as I was when we heard the cat on the stairs .
18 It was very basic indeed , and only by dint of preparation for the royal visitor did it have any carpeting on the stairs .
19 You 've made a bloody death trap on the stairs .
20 I hesitated for a moment on the stairs , turned round and tried to look at some of them , to see if there was a familiar face , a suspicious or suspecting face , a face I could place , a face that could …
21 When he had finished speaking the Collector hesitated for a moment on the stairs , looking down at the tired and gaunt faces below him .
22 It will take up room on the stairs , so remember that the space left for other people using the stairs will be less .
23 Outside I turned my back on the stairs and walked on down the passage .
24 The episode of the divan on the stairs had occurred three days ago .
25 I remembered the last time I had seen him , on the half-landing on the stairs , and how we looked at one another — as if he had sensed it would be our last encounter — and had shaken hands and said goodbye .
26 Looking at herself in the looking-glass on the stairs she saw how small and pink her eyes looked , their lids still puffy and her skin was tired and lifeless .
27 Our basement had been out of bounds since the work started , as a large sign on the stairs informed me .
28 On his way he spotted a large black beetle on the stairs ; he caught it between finger and thumb and took it out with him to the ramparts .
29 And erm come here a young girl and a baby , and helping to install her in in on one of the flats , and just sort of e th there was something erm happened to be wrong with one of the rubbish chutes at that time , and we were actually kicking our way through rubbish on the stairs , erm near the chute to get erm to come up .
30 As I closed my book at eleven o'clock , I heard a heavy footstep on the stairs .
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