Example sentences of "[noun sg] on [art] lines " in BNC.

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1 In practice a question to the defendant on the lines of ‘ Is there any reason why you are n't wearing your seat belt ? would cater for the cases where he or the vehicle is exempt .
2 At that time the old doctrines of the need for democratic control were still strong and an argument arose between those , such as Mr Aneurin Bevan , who favoured total subordination to Parliament ( with a minister for each industry on the lines of the Post Office ) , and those led by Mr Herbert Morrison , who wanted to leave the industries a measure of independence to operate as fully commercial undertakings .
3 To re-define charity by statute on the lines of existing law would not be easy and might well confuse rather than clarify the law , for the essential difficulties connected with benefit to the public require more explanation and analysis than is convenient in an Act of Parliament .
4 There was also general agreement that there should be an international authority operating on the lines of a domestic regulatory board , with the power to regulate routes , arbitrate in disputes , and set technical standards .
5 Seely 's solutions were , in fact , not too dissimilar from those eventually adopted by the National Government — a cut in the dole with acceptance of the principle of work or maintenance , a 10 per cent revenue tariff , and settlement of the Indian question on the lines of the Simon Commission .
6 A spokeswoman for the office said it had decided to hold a ‘ value for money ’ inquiry on the lines of recent inquiries into the Royal Ordnance and Rover sales .
7 She tried to keep her attention on the lines , but they were already swimming off the page .
8 This increase has raised fears that the United Kingdom may be about to experience a medical malpractice crisis on the lines of the USA .
9 Previously the attic had been a splendidly light studio for Veronica 's work , now it has become an all-white , easy-to-clean room on the lines of a special-care baby unit .
10 If we have a Family Court on the lines of the Crown Court , as seems inevitable eventually , it is unlikely that the Bar will have an exclusive right of audience .
11 Furthermore , a fear of revolution on the lines of that which had occurred in France still loomed large in the minds of the new English bourgeoisie , underpinning the demand for an organized police system geared to the protection of the life and property of the ruling classes ( Reiner 1985 ) .
12 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
13 Come the glorious Labour victory , ‘ Third Term ’ should be played at full volume outside Downing Street with special emphasis on the lines ‘ I want someone who will not waste my vote , I want someone who will give me hope ’ .
14 I gather that this is regarded as a controversial procedure in certain circles , but any criticism on the lines of wastage of resources on a dying man would have me to contend with .
15 The creation of the Ministry of Town and Country Planning in 1943 , followed by the Town and Country Planning Act of 1944 , provided both the machinery and the powers for comprehensive redevelopment on the lines envisaged by the more ambitious advocates of planning .
16 ‘ to provoke the immediate use of unlawful violence by that person or another ’ If this point is charged or reported it may be proved by the officer in the case questioning the offender on the lines of : ‘ Did you intend to provoke the Notown football supporters into violence ?
17 In its first year of independence , Zambia , like other ex-British territories , had a public broadcasting corporation on the lines of the BBC .
18 If you have set a strategy on the lines described in Chapter 7 , the way to begin to judge whether you have a good advertisement is to go to your target group , or at least a few of them , and find out if the ad affects them in the way you intended .
19 In fact , wholesale reconstruction on the lines advocated by Buchanan 's comprehensive approach has not been followed .
20 This is made possible by whipping up speed with a continuous pull on the lines by the flyer .
21 Mr Patten even mused that the Conservative Party might set up a think-tank on the lines of Germany 's Konrad Adenauer Stiftung , the research arm of the governing Christian Democrats .
22 We believe that a Town and Country Planning measure on the lines indicated would give planning authorities all the scope which they need and which the 1932 Act failed to give them .
23 In all four figures , selection is stronger in early life on the lines selected for early reproduction , ( dashed lines ) and stronger in late life for the ‘ late ’ lines .
24 Overall comprehension of this order requires either a complete assimilation of all relevant information on the lines described by Descartes , or an instant of penetrating insight that we may classify as a Gift from God .
25 A strong lobby within the Labour Party was urging more open government and greater access to official information on the lines of the Freedom of Information Act which has since been implemented in the United States .
26 All the independent experts — by the hon. Gentleman 's lights — say that a national minimum wage on the lines proposed by Labour would lead to the loss of 200,000 to 2 million jobs .
27 Some of the houses stood out by dint of their brightly painted front doors but mostly the only sign of decoration was the washing on the lines and hanging from windows .
28 To pinpoint single factors affecting inventories has proved difficult , although Kennedy ( 1986 ) notes that a modified stock-adjustment principle on the lines above helps explain changes in manufacturers ' inventories during much of the 1960s and 1970s .
29 As far as the wording of the actual policy itself is concerned I think we would er certainly prefer er wording on the lines of strict control , in other words quoting er P P G rather than the not normally permitted approach .
30 Whether or not there is an agreement must depend on the facts of the particular case , and whether or not the decision of Vaisey J. was correct I consider that the facts of the present case , including as they do the letters of 12 June and 15 September 1986 , are not consistent with an agreement on the lines suggested .
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