Example sentences of "[noun sg] to some form " in BNC.

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1 Sir David feels there is no alternative to some form of forced repatriation , while the US is resolutely opposed to such a solution .
2 The alternative to some form of conversion system is to purchase a printer which has been modified to operate directly with the Spectrum , just as Sinclair 's own ZX Printer does .
3 At some stage in their development , expanding businesses have to change from omnipresent owner management to some form of delegated authority .
4 But it was clearly possible that W. might at any time decide to refuse consent to some form of treatment , even if it was only the oral administration of medicines , because one of the symptoms of anorexia nervosa is a desire by the sufferer to ‘ be in control ’ and such a refusal would be an obvious way of demonstrating this .
5 The explanation of this is to be found in the matters propounded in Chapter One , that is , that members of the human race have a deeply felt need for a ‘ god ’ and a religion , and as almost everybody is reared within a family or group with some kind of religious background , each has at least a lingering allegiance to some form of established religion .
6 Is the requirement a mass mobilisation of the whole population to some form of community or public activity ?
7 All the time Wyn lived next to him in a nurses ' home , helping every day on the long haul to some form of recovery .
8 Following the election result , it seems almost inevitable that Labour will adopt a commitment to some form of proportional representation ( writes Backchat 's ‘ things that seem almost inevitable following the election result ’ correspondent ) , although , ironically , it seems considerably less inevitable now than it did a few weeks ago .
9 By 1907 Polish financial institutions , though cramped by legal restrictions , had become so effective that finance flowing through them allowed almost every Polish farm in Pomerania of 5 hectares or more access to some form of farm machinery on a shared or collective basis .
10 Both the rising expectations of the rural working population and the changing character of the village have made access to some form of transport an essential element of contemporary rural life .
11 During this initial period it is also more than likely that your staff will need access to some form of support line service .
12 What has tended to happen historically , with earlier attempts to provide alternatives to custody , is that instead of moving offenders currently receiving a sentence of imprisonment down-tariff , in this case to some form of punishment in the community , down-tariff offenders — those who formerly were dealt with by a fine or conditional discharge — have been given the new sentence .
13 This reflects the collaborative nature of work in these areas , and like the situation described earlier with regard to the group projects in Redbrook Secondary , this nearly always happens in response to some form of shared performance , as in the following description of the process in the music department at the Pope John Paul Comprehensive :
14 Whilst most writers resort to some form of categorization of responses , there is a general emphasis , underlined by Kaelin , that , whilst such structuring may be useful for learning or communication , its value is transitory and it should be readily discarded in favour of the unity of the aesthetic experience itself .
15 Last night , the 12 heads of state and government were discussing a text on the situation in Eastern Europe which gave unambiguous but qualified support to the right of the German people to self-determination — and by implication to some form of unity .
16 In a world in which outward conformity with the religion of the establishment was hard to distinguish from real commitment , the call to authentic Christianity often took the form of conversion to some form of the ascetic life .
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