Example sentences of "[noun sg] the [adj] level " in BNC.

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1 What we see here then is that the channel is markedly stimulated to open , its open state probability increases , but once it is open , the level the current level which it passes , the amount of the number ions flowing through per unit time , is not significantly different from that er case in which the calcium was lower .
2 The net result was of course the high levels of unemployment of much of the 1980s .
3 Bearing in mind the high level of interest rates , the IMF warned that , without additional expenditure cuts , the public deficit could reach at least L142,000,000 million ( approximately $112,600 million ) .
4 A high degree of constructive conflict is almost essential in this process and I should perhaps quote the comments of a wise manager I worked for at one time , who pointed out that in industry the optimum level of conflict is not zero ; just as no friction or one hundred per cent friction immobilizes movement in a mechanical sense , so total absence of conflict or one hundred per cent conflict will immobilize movement in a company .
5 If exposed to either artificial or natural light the solanine level will rise and could cause gastroenteritis , but because of the bitter nature of this substance it is unlikely that sufficient quantities would be ingested to cause illness .
6 The government response was predictable : ‘ In the longer term the appropriate level of opencast output should be determined by the market subject to the acceptability of individual projects through the planning system ’ .
7 Technical harmonisation and standards developing standardisation the European level covering a wide range of products .
8 Daylight regrettably is excluded , apart from an occasional glimmer , but in compensation the light level for the paintings is reasonably high and constant with no modish alternation of spotlighting and shadow .
9 So when the searcher eventually believes and becomes a Christian ( I am ignoring for the moment the other levels of understanding which are involved ) , he is nothing if not a man with a memory and a man of special gratitude : Whatever he becomes , wherever he goes , whatever he does , he should never be unaware of what once was , what might have been and what could well be again .
10 You may feel that only a major record company can offer your band the right level of investment and promotion .
11 In Inner London as a whole the average level of population loss fell from 63,000 per year in the early 1970s to 14,000 per year a decade later .
12 In this approach the high level of unionisation in Sweden is not the result of any cultural propensity on the part of the Swedish population ( because of its ethnic homogeneity ) to seek objectives by way of interest group organisations — a factor which Adams ( 1975 ) notes has sometimes been suggested by way of explanation .
13 In this model the top level represents strategic information used to govern the long-term behaviour of the organisation .
14 After a meal consisting largely of refined carbohydrate food the blood-sugar level goes up very quickly , which would seem to be a good thing in satisfying the appetite .
15 For some teachers not only was this difficult to plan and implement as an organizational strategy per se , but the increased demands imposed on them by the strategy meant that their opportunities for systematic and sustained monitoring of children 's progress were further reduced , while at the same time the increased levels of movement and disturbance in the classroom might adversely affect children 's concentration and time on task .
16 At the same time the general level of wealth in this unremarkable corner of the East Midlands , peopled entirely by peasant farmers , with a leavening of yeomen and only a handful of rich squires , was lower only than on the fertile cornlands of Norfolk and in the opulent Stour Valley manufacturing district — higher not only than in other , similar regions but also Berkshire , which the yield of the loans , 1522 — 3 , placed fifth jointly with Suffolk , and Gloucestershire which shared fourteenth place with Rutland itself .
17 As a general guideline the following levels of attainment in BTEC National Diploma and Republic of Ireland Leaving Certificate at Higher level are taken to be equivalent to the ranges of ‘ A ’ level grades shown :
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