Example sentences of "[noun sg] to improve [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The result to improve the players perks and packages , but keep within the Rugby Union amateur code .
2 It is hoped to be able to use the results of the research to improve the OEDIPUS system .
3 Later other improvements came along such as putting a cylinder of safety glass around the flame to improve the illumination , and covering the gauze by a metal bonnet to protect it from accidental damage .
4 That is why the British Tourist Association launched its ‘ Winning Words ’ initiative , to encourage the tourism industry to improve the service it offers to non-English speaking guests .
5 Using magnetotelluric survey data supplied by the Brazilian National Oil Company ( PETROBRAS ) , new data-processing and modelling schemes are being set up in a bid to improve the resolution of mapping of the geoelectric horizons of the shale sequences at depths of 2 to 3 kilometres .
6 Last year , the University made a significant investment to improve the quality and appearance of the Prospectus , which is the most important aid in the recruitment of the brightest and best-motivated undergraduate students .
7 Stable contracts will permit cost reductions and capital investment to improve the quality and reliability of supply .
8 Should not the priority be investment to improve the quality of services ?
9 The decision is controversial in its reasoning , but it may be explained as an attempt by the judiciary to improve the workability of an ageing legal structure .
10 When Nixon was forced to resign from the American presidency in 1974 , his administration was embarked on an attempt to improve the responsiveness of the American bureaucracy which , while not illegal , led to cries of outrage from his liberal enemies .
11 The offer of further help was widely interpreted as attempt to improve the chances of the treaty being ratified by the requisite two-thirds majority of the 23-member Philippine Senate .
12 A major attempt to improve the development control system was made in the 1980 Local Government , Planning and Land Act , which changed the allocation of development control functions between counties and districts .
13 Relics were also important in the contemporary French peace movement , being prominently displayed at the large and enthusiastic public gatherings organised by bishops in an attempt to improve the state of public order ; they possibly found similar use in England , where the national assemblies of Æthelred II may occasionally have resembled continental peace meetings .
14 Any attempt to improve the prognosis of diabetics must address this central observation .
15 It was an experiment in participatory research to pursue , uproot and interpret certain facts by non-specialised research workers who were motivated by a personal involvement in the land-related issues of their home areas , in an attempt to improve the structure of their society .
16 Similar tactics have after all been deployed in the USA in respect of civil libertarian , social welfare and environmental issues , and more recently in Britain as part of an attempt to improve the position of recipients of state welfare benefits and other disadvantaged groups ( Prosser , 1983 ; Scheingold , 1974 ) .
17 The move was widely interpreted as an attempt to improve the prospects of the Australian Labor Party ( ALP ) winning a further term of office in the next general election , due by mid-1993 .
18 We may see in this encouragement of scholars not only an attempt to improve the status of the realm , but a genuine curiosity for learning on the part of Charles himself .
19 Dobry 's scheme was an heroic attempt to improve the planning control system to everyone 's satisfaction .
20 I hear that Nicolas Thompson has been doing the rounds of literary agents in an attempt to improve the image of Reed Consumer Books among the agenting community .
21 But some councils acknowledged that their procedures contributed to the oppression and undertook to make changes in an attempt to improve the material conditions of people in those oppressed groups .
22 Schools are not static institutions , and good schools have always questioned their practice in an attempt to improve the quality of their provision .
23 Since the article was published , a number of schemes have been set up in an attempt to improve the quality of child minding .
24 After Wilkins 's death , Lodwick collaborated with John Aubrey [ q.v. ] and others in an unsuccessful attempt to improve the Essay .
25 Ironically , the introduction of the SERP scheme did represent an attempt to improve the pension position of widows and other women .
26 Obviously we can not choose our parents but we can do a great deal to improve the shape , form and texture of these problem areas .
27 That type of change would enable one to say honestly that a redirection of the money already spent could do a great deal to improve the situation of farmers .
28 No one can deny that the Council has done a great deal to improve the quality of education .
29 Encouraging school governors to sample a school meal with the children and inviting the contractor to send a representative to talk about the meals service at the next governors ' meeting will also lead to positive action to improve the system .
30 In recent years the growth of ‘ consumerism ’ or consumer protection lobbies has led to many organizations taking action to improve the service to the customer after the sale has been concluded .
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