Example sentences of "[noun sg] appear [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Significantly , the statutorily required information compilations emanating from these bodies for the most part appear in a defined physical format :
2 A headless statuette of the type is inscribed with the name , and clear derivatives of the figure appear on a late fifth-century Athenian vase and a Roman sarcophagus , in Cretan contexts where Europa would be entirely in place .
3 The Camden-based five-piece appear under the pseudonym The Golden Eggs at and London Marquee supporting Power Of Dreams .
4 For example , new molecules characteristic of the chick appear on the cell surface .
5 All these different kinds of thinking appear in the examples that follow .
6 The Quireboys and Betty Boo appear in THE O-ZONE .
7 Further away from the source still , the lava flows even slower , and the yellow glow gives way to a bright cherry red , and black streaks and blobs of chilled solid lava appear on the surface .
8 The Oxford Thesaurus Electronic Edition is very easy to use , the results of a search appear on the screen almost instantaneously and it lacks nothing that the book would have .
9 In particular , the copper phenanthroline hypersensitive bands at positions -4 , -5 , -6 ( Fig. 5 lanes 1 , 3 , 5–10 ) which are characteristic of the unwound DNA structure of the open complex appear with the same intensity for all enzymes .
10 A statutory power to make delegated legislation will not empower the delegate to make rules designed to oust the jurisdiction of the courts unless very clear words to this effect appear in the enabling statute .
11 The detailed results of the Programme appear in a set of eleven volumes being published ( by Oxford University Press ) during 1986/87 .
12 SUEDE , CARTER USM , BABES IN TOYLAND and TEENAGE FANCLUB appear on a new Beechwood compilation LP .
13 Practically none of the apparently negative prophecies in the Structure Plan appear in the District Plan .
14 Early references to the place of specialist work appear in the findings of the government-commissioned Lovelock review of NACAB in 1983 .
15 Fuel-oil traces and power station fly-ash appear in the late twentieth century .
16 From the conference of Berchtesgaden in November 1937 to the Anschluss of Austria in March 1938 , from the increasingly threatening noises over Czechoslovakia in March 1938 to the abdication of Munich in September 1938 , from the last-ditch , desperate attempts to cobble together a tripartite agreement in May 1939 to the signing of the Nazi-Soviet pact in August 1939 , there was a sense of deathly inevitability compared to which Nizan 's repeated calls for collective security appear as no more than the efforts of a man crying in the wilderness .
17 ‘ During the whole of her illness , prayer was made without ceasing by the whole Church on her behalf , and I felt persuaded that the Lord would yet hear us and for His name 's sake appear as the one prayer-hearing God — for the heathen around knew what was done , and would say , ‘ Where is now your God ? '' ’
18 CREAMING JESUS , HEADCLEANER , FOREHEADS IN A FISHTANK appear at an Anti-Racist-Action benefit show at London 's Powerhaus on August 27 , tickets priced £4 each .
19 Topics as diverse as spectroscopy and nitrous acid appear in a range of publications , all attesting to the interest inherent in the subject of chemistry ( Table 2 ) .
20 A group appear from the house , a motley collection like a troupe of clowns .
21 Versions of this archaic theme appear in the eighteenth-century philosophies of Vico , Rousseau and Lord Monboddo , all of whom managed to invert the orthodox Christian doctrine of cyclic redemption .
22 Thus , two huge ‘ bulges ’ of water appear in the oceans , one facing towards the Moon and another facing away from it .
23 He flicked his hand and I thought I saw a few spots of red appear on the shiny white tile beside me .
24 Recipes for lamb appear in every kind of cookery book , from dishes as simple as Lancashire hotpot through to the magnificent Guard of Honour .
25 Half a century ago , youths in Wellington bombers flew out to deal death and have it dealt to them in return ; now the American F-111s roar overhead , and , from time to time , a plume of orange flame and a cloud of smoke appear on the horizon to remind us all that dishing it out and taking it are widely differing talents .
26 Signs that there had been loss of control appear at the very beginning of James 's reign when commissioners hearing private suits to the King were ordered not to give reversions to places of consequence .
27 Below right : Cranes in flight appear on the suite fabric
28 He saw the hole appear in the plaster almost right above him .
29 Curtis felt a searing pain lance across the right side of his neck , and saw a small starred hole appear in the glass in front of him .
30 . ’ But these grand issues of policy appear less frequently in the surviving fragments of the register than such routine matters as orders in judicial suits , summonses to men -to appear before the Council , inquiries into crimes and misdemeanours , and instructions to local officials .
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