Example sentences of "[noun sg] to achieve the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In 1989-90 , Pipe utilised 149 horses to win those 224 races ; last season 179 horses were pressed into action to achieve the record .
2 These tactics are also used a great deal to achieve the user 's disguised objective .
3 His latest speech seemed to go further than he had ever gone before in advocating force to achieve the kind of England he wanted .
4 We could , for short periods of time , motivate our work force to achieve the objective which was our responsibility , but as soon as we left , things invariably fell to pieces again .
5 However , since the reason corresponds to the agent 's intention to achieve the result , intentional explanations include a reference to the result of the action .
6 By 1960 there were enough nuclear missiles and bombs on either side to achieve the state known as Mutually Assured Destruction — or MAD for short .
7 Congress recognizes that discrimination in employment is part of a wider pattern of discrimination against homosexual men and women in society as a whole , and that a campaign to achieve the objects ( listed above in the resolution ) will be more effective if this is taken into account and is conducted in association with gay rights and civil liberty organizations .
8 Death and injury on our roads touch all our lives and the Council continues in its determination to achieve the target and to make Lothian the safest region in Europe for all categories of transport and road user .
9 Effective action takes place to achieve the training and development objectives of individuals and the organisation .
10 1974 ) in a desire to achieve the economies of scale concentration ( already discussed in Chapter 4 ) , and second , the dramatic increase in accessibility for those with private cars has allowed the majority of people to travel much further distances to better and/or cheaper facilities ( Rowley , 1971 ) .
11 erratic performance of work or failure to achieve the level of performance that could reasonably be expected from qualifications and experience .
12 The outcome for such a team will either be failure to achieve the task , or the imposition of dominant leadership , or the formation of a sub-group .
13 The only person to achieve the feat of all 14 8,000-metre peaks is the Austrian superman Reinhold Messner .
14 This earned George Mackenzie national fame as the first prelingually deaf person to achieve the distinction of MA Cantab .
15 This problem of setting the most appropriate price to achieve the firm 's objective is compounded in practice because of imperfect information .
16 She used TRESemmé 's 4+5 High Lift Bleach plus Energising Shampoo and Conditioner , Styling Glaze and Gel Spray to achieve the variations .
17 Second , there would be great advantage in trying to develop a somewhat more coherent framework or strategy to achieve the goal of enabling local action .
18 We will set a target as a total of private- and public-sector savings , and adjust fiscal policy to achieve the target over the medium term .
19 Of course , as for any other trait , it may be impossible for any one homozygous genotype to achieve the optimum .
20 ‘ Far from constituting ransom to achieve the freedom of American hostages , ’ North assured Livingstone over the cooling coffee , ‘ the military goods provided Iran were part of a rapprochement process designed to deliver Iran from the clutches of the Soviet Union and to block the Soviet drive to the Persian Gulf . ’
21 The report lists 28 items of legislation to achieve the reductions , some of which have already been passed , while others are about to be passed or are under discussion .
22 1992 ) or the current drive to achieve the BS 5750 quality " kitemarks " .
23 Putting up posters and shouting slogans about democracy had done little in the past to achieve the students ' goal but in 1980 , some believed that substantial change could be achieved if the limited opportunities presented by the Gengshen reforms were seized .
24 decision to work towards BS 5750 naturally followed on an existing project to achieve the TEC Award for Investors in People .
25 Managers will need education and training to achieve the targets set .
26 Uematsu paints small squares of uniform colour , traversed by a single line to achieve the effect of vibration .
27 They are the first in the New Marske unit to achieve the honour .
28 He was used to working with crews who knew him and who , like his casts , were prepared to work round the clock to achieve the effects he desired .
29 No archbishop but Fisher would have had the administrative ability or the tenacity to achieve the end .
30 OCEA literature states that students need to experience a wide range of mathematical activity in order to achieve the criteria , including practical work , quick response to questions , short problems , project work and investigations .
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