Example sentences of "[noun sg] brought him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 A conventional classics education at the equivalent of anOxbridge college brought him to Paris .
2 On Wednesday this campaign brought him to St Augustine 's parish centre , Larchfield Street , Darlington , where the local branch of the Samaritans were holding their annual meeting .
3 Although his business brought him into contact with many American settlers , he had received little co-operation in the collection of plants ‘ for what was common with them ( but rare with us ) they did not think worth sending ’ .
4 His report on the German military brought him to the attention of General George Marshal , on whose staff he later served .
5 It was as he was about to emerge from the far end of the wood that the figure on the ground brought him to a standstill .
6 The sudden movement brought him into the path of a mourner , whose elbow struck him a glancing blow and sent him reeling .
7 Jarvis 's money brought him in a tiny income , on which it was just possible to subsist if he walked everywhere , never went to the cinema , ate anything nice , smoked , drank , bought new clothes nor used the phone .
8 The Mr Universe competition brought him to London , and he was recruited for a tour of South Pacific which needed men for the chorus .
9 As he reached the gate , Carrie 's voice brought him to a halt .
10 His appointment in 1650 as secretary to the committee for examinations of the republican council of state brought him to London , where he and Thomas Scott [ q.v. ] headed the intelligence operation that skilfully countered Royalist conspiracy .
11 His whole professional life brought him into contact with the stories of pagan heroes , Englishmen or Norsemen or Goths ; more than anyone he could appreciate their sterling qualities .
12 This in turn brought him into contact with Owen Jones , the Superintendent of the Exhibition , for whom he wrote two introductions to Jones ' Grammar of Ornament , first published in 1856 .
13 A common interest in cricket brought him in touch with William Bateson [ q.v. ] , with whom he began to collaborate on inheritance in 1903 , first in mice and later in peas , fowls , and rabbits .
14 A bend in the path brought him to a stile at the entrance to Lulling Woods .
15 In those days he came in with a His coachman brought him in the trap and they got the twenty minutes past seven express train to Glasgow .
16 Agnew made his mark in midfield at Barnsley where his ability to produce a telling pass brought him to the notice of Blackburn , who shelled out 750,000 for the Shipley-born player .
17 Isambard 's hand on his shoulder brought him to the bench at the end of the room , where a film of stone-dust coated the floor , and several fragments of carvings and half-cut blocks of stone lay pushed together against the wall , as though discarded long ago .
18 His Prince 's Trust brought him into contact with the real world .
19 By 1905 he had moved to St Petersburg where his growing reputation as a miraculous healer brought him to the attention of the Czar and Czarina .
20 His engineering analysis of the problem brought him to many ideas that were very similar to Alexander 's in terms of posture and sitting .
21 The sound of a horse and chaise brought him to his feet .
22 The Marshal connection brought him into friendship with the Basset family of Headington , Oxfordshire , and High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire , for Gilbert Basset [ q.v. ] was also a prominent Marshal supporter .
23 Mr Galloway 's less abrasive contribution on the floor of the conference in support of greater autonomy for the Scottish party brought him into conflict with the Aberdeen North MP , Bob Hughes .
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