Example sentences of "[noun sg] to look at [det] " in BNC.

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1 Thus book is an attempt to look at some of the things that go on when people face a loss of someone or something significant in their lives .
2 Early on , working in tandem with John Higgs , he had brought in the Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group and the Nature Conservancy Council to look at all the farms on the estate to make sure they were farming with conservation in mind .
3 A number of working groups have been set up by the Council to look at these matters , but the truth is that the whole curriculum approach is rendered horrendously difficult by the subject structure and by the inevitable fact that the various subject working party reports are coming on stream over a period of at least four to five years .
4 Use the hand-lens to look at these .
5 So er can I suggest that we actually ask the the Recreation Ground Committee to look at these problems over the er I do n't think there are any significant problems actually after the , after the Easter weekend fortunately , but just to have er in reply to the city football club , because they are concerned , and have been I have to say for many years , so it 's not unusual .
6 ‘ He also showed a remarkable capacity to look at any form of contract and identify both the things that needed taking out and what has been wrongly omitted .
7 No new generic names has been proposed fro " Ophiophthalmus " partly because there has been no opportunity to look at all the material but mainly because it remains to be demonstrated that it is distinct from the genus Ophiomitrella as stated before .
8 Well this would be the ideal opportunity to look at that because obviously planning now for the future gives you an opportunity just as you 've done with your maxi-endowment
9 Let's start the structural isomers , and we can use this as an opportunity to look at some aspects of the .
10 It will be useful in conclusion to look at some incidents which illuminate the way in which symbolism operates in the religion .
11 And she has got the courage to look at that million people , which takes courage , and look at the thousand which she is helping and saying , no love is never wasted .
12 But when we 're dealing as we are in this case , with fraud , then clearly there has to be regulations , there has to be er primary legislation er so that was the point I 'm making but as I say , it 's not just me , it 's the stock exchange , the S I B , all of them believe that we need a single enforcement body to look at these matters and I do wish perhaps the minister does but the government must acc eople and a number of ople obviously with a number of traumas and a number of di exploit the different rules and regulations and to get through them because they know they are never going to be caught and the little chance of being prosecuted and even if they are prosecuted er then the chances of being convicted are remote and even if they are convicted I 'm afraid that the judicial shi system shows er that the worst they can expect is a few hours mowing the grass in front of an old folks home or perhaps a few months er in the country residence , albeit owned by Her Majesty .
13 Ma , will you write me a letter tomorrow to go down town to look at some clothes
14 Labour members of the Select Committee on Procedure obtained permission from the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the Chief Labour Whip to look at this omission in the 1968–9 session .
15 And I think this one is better for several reasons , I think you can quite clearly see now once you 've had a chance to look at this , the other one we saw , we , we eliminated this boat , we eliminate that post and this boat , or rather we just have this post and the sea beyond .
16 Okay so has anybody had a chance to look at some of the things er
17 Right has everyone had a chance to look at some stuff since last time ?
18 Okay Sally-Ann , have you had a chance to look at some of the things which we 're gon na do today as well ?
19 Elizabeth and I used with amusement to look at each other 's horoscope in the newspapers , but without credulity : I explained to her that even if one believed in astrology they must be regarded as nonsense , being entirely unscientific and paying no attention to the hour of birth and therefore to the ‘ rising sign ’ .
20 The lady was so impressed , she called her assistant to look at this miracle ‘ All done in one week ! ’
21 In my discussions with the police , it was one of the buildings we offered them , and I went with erm , the new inspector to look at that , and I still said they were somewhat put off by the cold austere sort of feeling of the place .
22 Yes , it will be appropriate for both British Rail 's internal inquiry and the inquiry that I have announced under the railway inspectorate to look at all the implications that may be relevant to the work being undertaken .
23 First we had to choose what animal to make , so we went round the Star Zoo to look at all the animals .
24 I gave you ten minutes or so of the lesson to look at some words .
25 One Sunday , when Tom had gone into the garden to look at some flowers that Dolly had planted , Seb 's pen paused over the sum on which he was toiling .
26 So that we 're prepared within the Rural Housing Trust to look at all these ideas , and we 've been looking at the whole question , we feel that this has got to be one for the planners , the planners must be involved in identifying where these problems lie , they 're not uniform , all across the country , er and it 's something that er we therefore need to use the planning er scenario entirely and fully in order to identify where the problem lies .
27 Now in order to look at this relationship between labour and capital and output total product simultaneously we need to draw a 3 D diagram , alright , but because my diagrams are bad enough in 2 D what we are going to do is we are going to constrain one of these factors , right , so what we will do is we will pick a level of ou a level of capital input , right , and we will see what happens to total product as we vary labour .
28 It is always a good idea to look at all possible sources of software for a new medium .
29 The other factor probably the way to look at that more objectively is to see how many houses are in proximity to each of the routes which is a standard way again in the departments own er manual of environmental appraisal , of doing that and that is the information which is contained find it er which is a way of looking at noise effects .
30 But I would say that the way to look at this site is to ask whether it is part of the built area , in other words whether it is built on , or whether it is not part of the built area , in other words it is not built on .
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