Example sentences of "[noun sg] to come [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Fear was there , certainly , and also an inability to come to terms with what had happened , but there was something more .
2 Whether it is the timidly smiling cleric having tea , the piously confident student talking about the way in which Jesus warms up his or her heart , or the aggressively confident know-all trying to recall the country to ‘ civilisation ’ , it is a similar picture of inability to come to terms with the way in which most people in Western societies live .
3 This can also happen when a doctor experiences discomfort in the face of death , or an inability to come to terms with his own helplessness .
4 ‘ The Face never wanted this case to come to court and every effort was made to settle the dispute , without success . ’
5 ‘ The Face never wanted this case to come to court and every effort was made to settle the dispute , without success . ’
6 He 'd been staying at a bail hostel in Gloucester whilst waiting for the case to come to court .
7 The two men argued that 's it 's an abuse of the legal process for the case to come to court 24 years after they allegedly helped the soviet double agent escape from Wormwood Scrubs , but Mr Randall has mixed feelings about their victory .
8 I am sure that every one of them would want that extra money to come to West Yorkshire , as I do .
9 We never learn how Sya and Sohy have raised the money to come to Britain any more than we discover how the unemployed thespian lodger pays the rent .
10 ‘ I 've paid all this money to come to Hawaii and all you can do is screw around . ’
11 Here , Joanna , her mother and father John tell Penny Wark of their struggle to come to terms with tragedy .
12 A moving and painfully honest account of a mother 's struggle to come to terms with the death of her baby .
13 Throughout 1990 the opposition JLP showed signs of serious internal dissension centred upon Seaga 's allegedly " autocratic " style of leadership , but also symptomatic of the JLP 's struggle to come to terms with its defeat in the 1989 general election and its poor performance in the March 1990 municipal elections .
14 From one point of view it could be argued that he should be rescued from Tarvaras before he had an opportunity to come into contact with any of the inhabitants .
15 Take this opportunity to come with Travelsphere to China — one of the last great travel experiences .
16 This 28-day programme should have given you the opportunity to come to terms with your body .
17 Having coached Waikato in the New Zealand provincial championship for some years , Ross was looking for a new challenge and the opportunity to come to Northampton came at exactly the right moment .
18 I am beginning to wonder whether it will be necessary to get the chairman to come to St. Pancras before we can elicit the funds for the project .
19 We never , not for an instant , regretted our decision to come to Britain .
20 Since school reports can stand separately from this it is possible to revise present reporting systems in preparation for the whole National Curriculum to come on stream .
21 But if you have the luck to come of country stock then you should never sever your roots , no matter how great the temptation to ‘ improve ’ yourself , or to inhabit more glorious scenery , or to be nearer a railway station .
22 RACE HATE , rape fear , miscegenation , a battle-scarred outsider 's fight to come to terms with the new society — the themes of Ford 's massively influential movie would provide rich pickings for '70s brats in the years to come .
23 Do you want mum to come to Argos with me tomorrow morning ?
24 More reassuring in terms of Soviet policy was Gorbachev 's dramatic decision to allow a non-Communist premier to come to power in Poland .
25 If a status quo is preserved , Chelmsford seem sure to struggle in the new eight-team Premier League unless a number of quality players show a willingness to come to Essex .
26 Personally , I do n't even eat chicken ; I prefer my protein to come from eggs , fish and cheese — but that is a personal choice based on my own unhappiness at the way we raise animals for slaughter .
27 Under its unique regime , prisoners are given the chance through therapy to come to terms with their crimes , and hopefully start a new life .
28 Rance 's proposal to ask an AFPFL delegation to come to London for discussions was accepted , and Attlee informed parliament that they would ‘ hasten forward the time when Burma shall realise her independence ’ .
29 Tory candidate Tim Devlin has been accused of ‘ political mischief ’ in his claims of more home rule to come for Thornaby by Labour rival John Scott .
30 When I left journalism college to come to Woodworker , few of my colleagues could understand why I should want to join such a specialist magazine .
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