Example sentences of "[noun sg] stood in the " in BNC.

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1 The ambulance stood in the road .
2 A sombre stone chamber , its walls were adorned with green velvet drapes while a polished table with benches on either side stood in the middle of the rush-strewn floor .
3 A figure stood in the door , silhouetted against the light .
4 The uniformed figure stood in the doorway , eyeing the occupants of the cell impassively .
5 A figure stood in the rectangle of light , attracted by the noise .
6 The stranger stood in the Fournier 's drawing-room in a simple white dress and some jewellery .
7 ‘ The hijacker stood in the aisle and explained in Russian how his hand grenades worked , ’ Vyacheslav Babin from Tyumen told the Swedish daily Dagens Nyheter in Tallinn .
8 The Indian stood in the doorway , a duffle bag looped over one shoulder , and looked at the two phones on the desk .
9 Quick , light steps through the shop , and Auntie stood in the office .
10 However , the costs appearing in the books of the newly nationalised industry were considerably below these , largely because , while capital charges normally formed a large proportion of the total costs of electricity supply , the industry had in recent years been prevented from investing heavily and most of its inherited equipment stood in the books at prewar values .
11 Rain stood in the street with the open page in her hand and cursed Wainfleet for not telling her about it .
12 The unemployed Turkish waiter stood in the doorway and peered at him ; he was muscular and squat , and he was wearing only pyjama trousers that were creased and stained .
13 Opposite the window , a coal-burning stove with a chimney stood in the centre of an alcove originally designed to accommodate a massive Victorian cooking range .
14 A barn was attached on the left side and the whole place stood in the centre of a stone courtyard .
15 Companies rushing up to endorse the still nameless IBM Corp-Hewlett-Packard Co-Sun Microsystems Inc common user interface for Unix effort ( CI No 2,130 ) include Software AG , IBM 's Personal Software Products division , Computer Associates International Inc , Unisys Corp and Ask Computer Systems Inc ; the Object Management Group stood in the wings enthusiastically applauding .
16 The woman stood in the hallway for a moment like a blind person unsure of her direction .
17 In one case this had happened twice on the same land and was about to happen a third time for bulldozer had arrived to destroy a newly erected building where a woman stood in the way , she was one of the nuns helping in the area ; the defence was successful .
18 It is now believed that a young man and woman stood in the exact spot where the car bomb was parked — just minutes before it was detonated .
19 The building had two front doors , side by side , one for each house , and the steps up to each door were not divided ; an urn full of some kind of greenery stood in the middle of the steps , but there was no attempt at distinction .
20 When , a little later on , as she was sitting beside the now sleeping child , she heard Liza come into the house , Harriet did not go downstairs but waited until her daughter stood in the doorway of the bedroom , wild-eyed and trembling .
21 It also depended on the promotion of the belief that free markets are both economically efficient and socially just — and in crucial respects local government stood in the way of such promotion .
22 A tall slim man stood in the doorway to the bathroom .
23 A man stood in the tiny galley .
24 The door was flung open and Meredith Putt stood in the doorway , unshaven , unwashed and wild-eyed , his condition startling the messenger .
25 A liar or perjurer stood in the docks , a great whetstone round his neck , a placard proclaiming that he was a false perjurer and breaker of oaths ; beside him a hapless youth who had stolen a leg of mutton and was standing there with the piece of meat , now well decaying and buzzing with flies , slung round his neck .
26 The photo stood in the doorway , placed rather in the way children put dolls in a window to let them look out .
27 The book stood in the wastebin on the desk like a monument to his misdemeanours .
28 A local MP stood in the centre of the yard , right in the centre , with his wife and three children .
29 An altar stood in the centre of the room in the middle of a chalk circle .
30 A form stood in the air fronting me …
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