Example sentences of "[noun sg] to give a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Once dry , each coat must be rubbed down with very fine glasspaper to give a surface that is as smooth as possible .
2 Kurecolor Brush Pens can be used from the point or from the side to give a variety of stroke qualities and they flex as they are drawn along the paper surface , adding character to the marks .
3 Kuhn 's theory of science was subsequently developed as an attempt to give a theory of science more in keeping with the historical situation as he saw it .
4 For some thousand years there was virtually no attempt to give a ruler an individual image .
5 One mechanical method of generating a range of switching angles is to use a fine resolution optical encoder producing several position pulses per step , but this is prohibitively expensive for small step.angle motors ; a 200 steps per revolution motor would need a 1600 counts per revolution encoder to give a choice of 8 switching angles .
6 Alternatively , we could make a more subtle form by using different music in one or two of the verses , alternating the musical setting to give a form such as ABABA or ABACA ( supposing there are five verses ) .
7 Incredible as it seemed , she 'd been too caught up in her own unhappiness to give a second 's thought to the play , which was due to open that very evening .
8 From January 1990 the maximum rate of income tax for private individuals and businesses was cut to 35 per cent in a bid to give a boost to the stock exchange and investment ; the new simplified system was also intended to reduce tax evasion .
9 It concludes ‘ Apart from the river and its natural beauties Henley has nothing to put forward to entice the holiday-maker to give a preference to the town and although the objection to a public promenade might be well-founded there can hardly be any well-grounded opposition to a golf course being laid out . ’
10 I 've left the original spelling and orthography to give a feel of the vigour of the language .
11 The results of these studies have been combined with those of other work to give a table setting out good practice .
12 It is impossible in this publication to give a resumé of these .
13 Workers at Halewood , particularly in the engine plant , have co-operated with management to give a productivity record comparable with any in Europe .
14 This has been enacted in the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1958 which required those tribunals listed in the Act to give a statement , written or oral , of the reasons for a decision , if requested by the individual .
15 She said : ‘ If enough interest is shown through people contacting me on Barlaston extension 2486 , then I will arrange for a specialist consultant to give a talk . ’
16 Thus it was possible for engineers to place their microphone to give a ratio of direct and reflected sound from the walls of the studio in order to achieve a pleasing artistic reproduction .
17 If the use of the product is clearly out of line with reasonable expectations ( e.g. the poodle ) then failure to give a warning will not be fatal .
18 In Glynn v. Keele University the court found that there had been a breach of natural justice by the failure to give a hearing to a student who had been disciplined .
19 The very word ‘ Britain ’ is a device to give a variety of peoples a single political identity .
20 The ability to suggest — and then buy — a two-and-three-quarter minute spot at midday on Sunday for the chairperson of a hotel group to give a message to all the hotel staff on every ITV station simultaneously is an important part of a media person 's skills .
21 Dr Sue Jennings , a pioneer in dramatherapy , described how an infertile woman may learn to identify sorrow and rage against the sterile womb which , every month , rejects the fertilized egg : how she can move from passive grief to weeping rage in which she pounds her belly with her hands , railing against its refusal to give a home to the child she desperately wants .
22 Determine position of outlet ( directly above drain ) and screw outlet and end bracket in place to give a fall of 1 in 500
23 Since that is not the case , there is no need to give a ruling on question ( 4 ) .
24 The first is the ethical difficulty associated with the need to give a patient the treatment that is believed to be best for him or her as an individual rather than what the statistician 's random allocation might assign .
25 J. S. Homes , the National Liberal MP for Harwich , made an early visit , closely followed by the mayor who arranged for the town band to give a concert .
26 In the entrance , at the ticket office , there is enough of value and variety to give a taste of what must be one of the richest cathedral treasuries in central Europe .
27 ‘ Never mind the rights or wrongs of the decision , we should never have given the referee the opportunity to give a penalty in a situation like that .
28 Does he not think that , with a general election coming , if he is confident in his position , the least that he could do would be to put that forward in a general election so that at least people will have an opportunity to give a view before they are committed by the right hon. Gentleman 's signature of a treaty of this magnitude ?
29 One development worth calling to your attention , though , comes from South Africa : Vorster 's decision to give a measure of home-ownership rights to the ‘ urban African ’ .
30 In my view the trial judge , dealing as he was with a most difficult and distressing case under the necessity to give a decision immediately , did not sufficiently take into account the degree of pressure required to constitute undue influence in the case of a patient in the position of Miss T. I agree with Lord Donaldson of Lymington M.R. that there is abundant evidence which would justify this court in coming to the conclusion that she was subjected to the undue influence of her mother which vitiated her decision .
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