Example sentences of "[noun sg] to give [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In its white paper The Health of the Nation the government has announced its intention to give more priority to preventive health care .
2 Because of the high risk of Gram positive infections ( unrealted to invasive procedures such as abdominal paracentesis ) and in particular pneumococcal infection there may be an indication to give this group of patients pneumococcal vaccination .
3 Establishing an authorial version of the play is usually an editorial attempt to give that version authority over others .
4 There is also through the training strategy an attempt to give this work greater dignity and esteem .
5 However , ‘ Mrs. Butler , one of the aged attendants ’ appeared before the committee , and said that she could n't bathe the females without help ; to which matron replied that there were no able-bodied female inmates in the institution to give such assistance .
6 In Figure 6.3 the rapid increase of speed with depth in the outer 10 or 20 km is due largely to the increasing compaction of a fragmented medium as the overburden increases : it is not possible for solid rock to give this behaviour .
7 In Britain , the government has been trying to encourage commercial recyclers such as waste-paper merchants to join forces with the packaging industry to give more packaging a second life .
8 Each time you cut , use the interruption to give some stage directions without them being recorded onto the tape , but try to minimise the effect of jumps in the action by changing either the shot angle or size before you restart the recording .
9 In giving judgment I recorded , at p. 623 , that there appeared to be no requirement under the rules and no practice to give such particulars in the committal order and called for a revision of the practice which has , I believe , now taken place generally and was certainly followed in M. 's case .
10 This allows both sets of points to be placed in the ice to give more support ( Fig 1 ) .
11 ‘ The Adventists have an agreement with the Town Hall to give each woman 100 pounds weight of donated US foods monthly , in exchange for three days ' municipal work a week . ’
12 For decades during the twentieth century it was heresy to give any credit to the ideas of Alfred Wegener ( 1880–1930 ) , and others before him , that the continents slowly moved in different directions over the surface of the globe .
13 Pemberton-Billing 's invention comprised an add-on governor mechanism which could be attached to a clockwork turntable to give this effect ( 49 ) , and a few dozen records were made which more than doubled the average playing-time .
14 But if it 's not required by law , then I can not issue , and if people ask for advice we are obliged under Fire Services , the Fire Services Act to give that advice , but what I 'm really saying is that with the , the pressure of work on the Fire Safety Department , it 's likely that if it 's a fairly low risk to life , we 'll never get round to it , and that 's the honest truth .
15 I ca n't fault a solicitor er to say that that there 's no practice unless I call an expert to give that opinion .
16 The system has been flexible and robust enough to respond to changing conditions and circumstances , and there has been sufficient political and institutional stability with regard to attitudes towards , and assumptions about , planning during much of the period to give some measure of consistency to public policies and programmes .
17 A failure to give such information might also be relevant on a petition to wind-up the company on the ‘ just and equitable ’ ground or to grant relief on the ground that the affairs of the company are being conducted in a manner unfairly prejudicial to members .
18 Walker v Hall ( 1984 ) 5 FLR 126 established that failure to give such guidance can amount to negligence and is a clear breach of professional duty .
19 The history of unceasing conflict and division within provides ample evidence of the failure to give that guidance .
20 This implicitly derogatory attitude to women is linked both to an overmonolithic account of male power , and to a failure to give much attention to the ways in which women have , in fact , often spent much of their lives , and to the activities which have been particularly theirs ( such as the rearing of children , for example ) .
21 Dismay at failure to give more help to disabled
22 The rhetoric of rights also contrasted oddly with the failure to give more powers to Community Health Councils , the main body representing patients locally , and cutbacks in funding Citizens ' Advice Bureaus and legal aid .
23 Thus what social workers thought of as ‘ prevention ’ ( keeping children out of care ) was perceived by many parents as refusal to offer any positive support , and indeed refusal to give any help at all .
24 There is also no right of appeal against : ( i ) the making of or refusal to make an emergency protection order ; or ( ii ) the extension or refusal to extend such an order ; or ( iii ) the discharge or refusal to discharge such an order ; or ( iv ) the giving of or refusal to give any direction in connection with such an order ( s45(10) as amended by CLSA 1990 ) .
25 Was it any part of your job to give such contraceptive advice as you could to ,
26 At the very least the Purchaser will expect the Vendor to give this warranty so far as it is aware .
27 It is unnecessary for the Vendor to give these Warranties .
28 But there needs to be a commitment on the part of the college or course to give more time and greater attention to music 's role in worship .
29 If a requirement is made , pursuant to section 7(3) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 , for a specimen of blood or urine , is the constable making that requirement under a duty , by virtue of section 7(4) of the Act , to : ( a ) convey to the suspect that the specimen to be provided may be of blood or of urine ; and/or ( b ) give to that suspect an opportunity to consider which type of specimen he would prefer to supply , if the choice was his ; and/or ( c ) give , expressly or otherwise , to that suspect an opportunity to give any reasons ( including non-medical reasons ) in support of any expression of choice ?
30 In the light of all that , ladies and gentlemen , the choice of a speaker for the Charles Darwin centenary was not difficult , and indeed I know that he welcomed the opportunity to give this lecture , not least I 'm sure because of the controversies and the general noise that have erupted once again over the issues of evolution , both in the academies of the civilized western world , and even in deepest Arkensaw
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