Example sentences of "[noun sg] held at the " in BNC.

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1 Turning away , Grant walked to the head of the stairs and started down , shotgun held at the ready .
2 The other episodes were slightly easier insofar that some of the ‘ flats ’ ( the walls of a set ) could come from stock held at the BBC .
3 If the company 's business involves dealing in goods the records must also contain a statement of stock held at the end of the financial year and statements of stocktakings from which that was prepared , and , except in the case of goods sold in the ordinary course of retail trade , statements of all goods sold or purchased , in sufficient detail to enable the other party to be identified .
4 The award was presented by TV newsreader John Humphrys at a ceremony held at the Grosvenor House Hotel in Park Lane .
5 PAUL DAWSON , who works in the design office at Capenhurst , was designated a Whitworth Scholar at an award ceremony held at the Institution of Mechanical Engineers ' London headquarters .
6 ‘ High quality clinical researchers are like gold dust , ’ said Diana Dunstan of the Medical Research Council at a meeting on opportunities in clinical research held at the Royal College of Physicians just before Christmas .
7 Stockton band The Motive stole the show at The Northern Echo 's Talent 92 Search for a Star contest held at The Mall nightclub .
8 This brings me neatly on to the exhibition of German aircraft and equipment held at the Royal Aircraft Establishment at Farnborough during October and November 1945 .
9 THREE employees from Breckland Farms were presented with training awards in March at the company 's annual dinner dance held at the Duke 's Head , King 's Lynn .
10 Another happy collaboration between the Sports Council 's Greater London and South East Region Movement and Dance Liaison Group and the Westminster City Council resulted in a superb participatory weekend of movement and dance held at the Seymour Leisure Centre , 24–25 October , at which the Medau Society provided a Teachers ' Workshop and a Recreational Class , both taught by Margaret Charlwood .
11 There is a curious meeting held at the beginning of each season called the United Kingdom Championships , which actually is an event to cater for the up-and-coming athletes and bears no relation to a British championship .
12 Last year , at an area committee meeting held at the Count House above Bosigran , Rowland gave the impression that his recent new-routing activities would be unavailable for publication .
13 At a meeting held at the local headquarters of the WSPU , " Mr Buckner , a prominent official in the STA , who spoke to the question from the men 's point of view , was subjected to a very severe heckling . "
14 Eventually , it was agreed and confirmed at a mass meeting held at the Stadium in Liverpool on 6 October that the seaman 's wage on all foreign-going ships should be raised to £pound11 and the fireman 's to £pound11 10s and that the national wage board should determine a national port wage within four weeks , the award to be paid retrospectively .
15 The findings of a recent mission to Japan to study developments in neural computing and parallel processing were reported at a meeting held at the Café Royal on the 4th December .
16 LASMO Canada 's shareholders have approved a change in the company 's name at a meeting held at the end of October .
17 The occasion was the launch of the Glasgow Central profit plan by branch manager , George Houston at the service meeting held at the former home of the Maxwell family [ not Robert 's relations ] at Pollock House .
18 The subject of a very well attended meeting held at the Community College , Bishop 's Castle on Friday 4th January 1991 was a film/slide show given by Russell Mulford ( a society member ) with a very knowledgeable and humorous commentary .
19 The CARICOM heads of government meeting held at the same time issued an " unequivocal condemnation " of the events in Port of Spain and 300 troops from CARICOM states were flown to the island on Aug. 3 as a " precautionary move " to protect oil installations [ see p. 37648 ] .
20 At the Police Federation meeting held at the Marton Hotel , Middlesbrough , it was revealed this year 34 juveniles had been bailed for 108 offences in Hartlepool .
21 The decision follows strong local objections at a public inquiry held at the end of 1991 .
22 Their Awards were presented by Baroness Ewart-Biggs on the occasion of the Prince Philip Fellows Lecture held at the House of Lords on 5th December .
23 A TWO YEAR OLD Rumanian girl was both guest of honour and raison d'etre for a ball and charity evening held at the Black Horse Hotel , Skipton , writes J A F Sheard .
24 A video image of Dale Kunzler , 10 , from Todmorden , West Yorkshire , is projected upside down on a screen behind him during a video workshop at the ‘ Let's Make A Film ’ Festival held at the National Museum of Photography , Film and Television in Bradford at the weekend .
25 Typical of his account is the picture he gives of the festival held at the great Sufi shrine of the Qadam Sharif , which sheltered the supposed Footprint of the Holy Prophet .
26 ABJECTION , Melancholia and Love is , with three additions , the proceedings of a conference held at the University of Warwick in 1957 on the works of Julia Kristeva .
27 Gold rings , finely wrought chains and bracelets with head terminals were also displayed at the press conference held at the Museum on 19 November , together with a beautiful silver , niello-inlaid tiger , probably a mount for a chariot .
28 At the Party Conference held at the end of April the Bolsheviks officially repudiated even the most heavily qualified support for the Provisional Government and adopted Lenin 's programme which was disseminated in crisp , clear , and hard-hitting language .
29 Particular circumstances exist in which filtration may be useful , and a consensus conference held at the Royal College of Physicians in Edinburgh tried to identify them .
30 Conference held at the University of Keele in the Spring of 1987
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