Example sentences of "[noun sg] asked for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In July 1947 , the Ministry asked for a statement concerning the hospital premises and funds .
2 Committee meetings had taken place at fortnightly intervals ever since early in the nineteenth century , but now , in view of the fact that there was a war on , the local government board asked for the meetings to be held monthly , a suggestion that was accepted with alacrity .
3 The buyer asked for a copy of the restrictions ; they were not forthcoming , the seller having no copy .
4 One branch asked for a dispensation .
5 His Superintendent asked for a priest to go to the island of Molokai where a colony of lepers lived in appalling conditions .
6 The developer asked for a set of QA listings to assess for himself if the person assigned to QA would approve the package .
7 Penge Urban District Council asked for the electrification of all suburban railways .
8 To support his claim the Council asked for an ‘ amicable grant ’ — an unparliamentary levy of one-sixth on the income of the laity and one-third on the income of the clergy .
9 The question asked for the total wage bill and went on :
10 The Queen asked for a three-month cooling off period .
11 This June Meeting asked for the bond balances to be called in so as the final land purchase could go ahead and , for the first of many times , it discussed the question of the use of caddies on a Sunday .
12 The plaintiff asked for the whole of the profits on the brassieres but the defendant said that the account of profits should only be based on the profit resulting from the wrongful use of the confidential information ; that is , the profit relating to the parts of the brassieres incorporating the confidential information .
13 The fact that the P.M. asked for the processes of selection of his successor to be undertaken in the middle of a party conference was bound to create consternation , confusion and intrigue , and indeed it did .
14 I took my TV to be repaired and the shop asked for a £35 deposit which I paid .
15 In 1984 the WCFBA Plenary Assembly asked for a Synod entirely on the biblical apostolate in the Church .
16 All he could remember was that TOWs were shipped at some point ; that ‘ the price asked for the military was twelve million two ’ ; that the aircraft could turn round and abort the delivery if the hostages were not released , which he thought was ‘ a most unusual thing ’ ; and that it was definitely not ‘ the Khomeini ’ with whom he had been doing business .
17 Secondly , the hon. Gentleman asked for a change of policy that would ensure that , before people were discharged from long-stay hospitals , proper provision was made for them in the community .
18 Standing outside our factory one lunch time , a smartly dressed woman asked for the office manager .
19 Flaubert 's niece asked for the traditional cast of the writer 's hand to be taken .
20 A bitterly-upset Goodway asked for a move after being left out of Wigan 's squad for last night 's game at Sheffield .
21 On being told that the men still unaccounted for could not be contacted by the trapped men , the Manager asked for a volunteer to go down from the surface and search inwards from the main shaft .
22 JOHN Z. DeLOREAN , facing drug charges in the US following the collapse of his Northern Ireland sports-car firm , this week asked for a reduction in bail because he is short of money .
23 A dying man asked for a chair to be placed by his bedside , because he sensed that Jesus Christ was sitting beside him in the darkness throughout the night .
24 ‘ If Chief Justice Fortescue asked for a report , we could pose many questions and few solutions , Sir John . ’
25 At that point Wendy Handy 's seven year old daughter asked for a drink .
26 The Secretary of State asked for the Committee 's comments .
27 ‘ British Gas asked for a wide-ranging review in order to clarify our regulatory environment and develop a clear way ahead for the future .
28 The public prosecutor asked for a four-year sentence , but the judge sent Meyer to jail for six years .
29 ‘ What I hope will come out of the book is this : the Americans have a joint US/Russian commission which is looking into the matter , and I think it is about time that the British government asked for a seat on that commission .
30 On Dec. 7 the Zaïrean government asked for the action to be suspended and expressed its indignation over the manner in which its nationals had been expelled " in spite of the blood ties " between the two countries .
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