Example sentences of "[noun sg] make [pers pn] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Superb 3-D and a Dave Whittaker soundtrack make it a real high-flyer .
2 If she were interested in such a campaign , she could perhaps use as the model for it our own dear Speaker , whose radiant health and youthfulness make him the perfect epitome of a diet based on vegetarianism .
3 The advantages of disc in the storage of information and in speed of access to any part make it the more flexible combination , with a wider range of possible uses .
4 But , at the same time , several aspects of the Newmanites ' campaign make them a uniquely threatening phenomenon on the political scene .
5 What features of the city plan make it a pleasant place for outdoor recreation ?
6 ‘ The lean-line droopiness of Michael Crawford and Oliver Reed 's big-drum bravado make them the best double act since Laurel and Hardy , ’ wrote Alexander Walker in the London Evening Standard .
7 Many months of snow availability and a good sunshine record make it a favourite winter sports centre ; and a multitude of varied excursion opportunities and walking trails attract summer visitors .
8 Only Waylon Jennings wears a cowboy hat , but Willie Nelson 's bandana and grey pony-tail make him an obvious Indian scout , Johnny Cash wears the frock-coat of a gambler and Kris Kristofferson 's cut-off T-shirt suggests his pardners will be calling him ‘ Junior ’ well into his sixties .
9 Accordingly , the only outward sign of a certain limited degree of prosperity were his immaculate clothes , although he never had a Savile Row tailor make him a suit or went to one of the more fashionable outfitters specializing in foreign-made clothes .
10 Its soils and drainage make it a quite distinct area , described on pages 46 and 47 .
11 The size and quality of the environment make it an internationally important site for birds .
12 On one side is the spineless Bishop Barrantes , representing the worst aspects of the Church 's mugwumpery and corruption ; on the other is Father Maby , confidant of Elena and friend to the poor and displaced in his jungle retreat ; his work is less glamorous than the revolutionary 's , but his wisdom and gentleness make him the unexpected hero of the novel .
13 He has always looked a chaser and his unexpected achievements over flimsy flights of timber make him a most exciting prospect .
14 On the comfort front , multi-adjustable front seats and light power steering make it an easy and pleasant car to drive .
15 Marco 's father realises that the quick wits developed in the London slums and the boy 's everyday , practical good sense make him a perfect companion ( aide-de-camp , as he likes to be designated ) for the quietly ardent , reflective Marco .
16 His silken touch , his ability to play off either foot , and his pace make him an obvious crowd-pleaser .
17 ‘ His natural Scottish wit , direct , authoritative , entertaining approach and instant awareness make him a TV natural . ’
18 Professional Draw is equally at home with creative or technical illustration and the interface shows that a great deal of thought about usability has gone into it , although the sheer weight of features and refinements for precision illustration make it a complex package to master at first .
19 Beyond this there is little agreement , and the women 's weekly magazines , for example , have argued strongly in recent years that their particular editorial qualities and high coverage of a female audience make them a superior medium even to TV for many products in , particularly , food and toiletry fields .
20 On the one hand , does the integration of groups into the bureaucratic structure make them a threat to traditional democratic norms of accountable government ?
21 Michael reminds me of a cardboard version of Prince ; his experiments with pastiche and his fusion of pop and soul make him an eclectic chap , but a dull one .
22 Well the only thing you can do is hopefully your next test is n't at the same time make it a
23 ‘ So try again , and this time make it the truth .
24 Since burning their fingers on 100% lending that flared into bad debt , lenders have been insisting that customers borrowing more than 70% to 75% of property value make them a present of an insurance policy against default .
25 Heston 's wartime service as a B-25 tail-gunner with the US 11th Air Force in the Far East and his stardom make him an ideal Chairman .
26 However , their low cost ( Notes retails at around £400 , WFWG at £149 ) and ease of implementation make them a viable proposition for the small company , and will probably result in their becoming much more influential in the long term .
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