Example sentences of "[noun sg] almost [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 She knew the long list of silver almost by heart and counted it monthly that nothing might go astray .
2 A monotonous , deadly pattern was established that continued on this one tiny sector of the battlefield almost without let-up for the next two months .
3 Layering suspense element upon suspense element , the episode builds up tension almost to breaking point as audiences ponder the big question : ‘ What lives in that city ? ’
4 A MAN beat a lone woman hiker almost to death with a rock after she turned down his sexual advances , a court heard .
5 Such training and preparation brought both me and my marriage almost to breaking-point .
6 However , senior management almost by definition is a matter of assessing and taking business risks on a daily if not hourly basis and even those momentarily brought up short by the mention of such dramatic events will rapidly discount them as extremely low in league of likely threats to be confronted .
7 He fully used the public library and discovered poetry almost by accident .
8 Weather conditions had deteriorated rapidly by the time the plane reached Prestwick and the pilot aborted his landing almost on touch-down .
9 Yorkshire is a cold place and I could remember the sensation almost of shock at the start of my first winter in Darrowby .
10 Some were very useful — Gardening All the Year Round was well-thumbed , and Dorcas knew Essential Theory for the Amateur Engineer almost by heart — but some were , well , difficult , and not opened much .
11 When we are considering the support which passes between kin we can exclude the outermost circle almost by definition .
12 He ‘ s had a couple of bumps , as well , one of which has left a long and jagged crease in the body almost from headlight to tail-light ; that one was n't his fault , but he drove away from it fast to avoid the questions that would certainly follow .
13 The vigilant driver , seeing her white-clad body almost in front of his engine , applied his brakes and slammed shut the regulator .
14 Individual feathers clad the bird 's body almost like roof-tiling .
15 In fact , by a process almost of inversion .
16 Its strongest American card is its 44% stake in Amdahl Corp , and while IBM appears to be playing into Amdahl 's hands in the short term , Amdahl knows it has to build a big new business almost from scratch out of Unix and its Huron applications development and delivery environment if it is to grow much beyond its present $2,500m or so annual business .
17 We came together as a group almost by accident , but there was a convergence of our experiences and a symmetry to our ideas which made the first few months of our existence one of the most stimulating and electrifying of my life .
18 The problem was that nobody from The Smiths camp was prepared to actually inform the band of this decision , and it was left to Easterhouse manager John Barrett to discover the sad truth almost by accident .
19 There has been a reaction almost of incredulity that so many really beautiful buildings — some in splendid settings — are going to waste .
20 In selected cases , however , a safe alternative to circumcision exists — namely , ‘ preputial plasty , ’ which allows complete mobilisation of the foreskin almost without discomfort and complications , even when done by inexperienced surgeons .
21 Cronin and Macdonald were outstanding at the lineout , winning the ball almost at will , and the tourists also had a decided edge in the scrums .
22 Then I lay over a great slab of rock which warmed the water almost to bath-heat .
23 They quote an Under Secretary commenting upon informal communications networks : ‘ Some of these people I 've known for twenty-five years and we can of course communicate with each other almost in code . ’
24 And erm , whilst those schools are still suffering from under-funding , at least they can er gain some erm solace , consolation from the fact that er the Tories seem to be able to replace their chairs , opposition spokespersons of education almost at will .
25 My father had become a Spiritualist almost by accident .
26 One believer in the limits of law puts it like this : ‘ laws are often ineffective , doomed to stultification almost at birth , doomed by the over-ambitions of the legislator and the under-provision of the necessary requirements for an effective law , such as adequate preliminary survey , communication , acceptance , and enforcement machinery . ’
27 Britain was divided ( very approximately ) between a thriving high-tech ‘ south ’ and an ageing industrial ‘ north ’ , between Celtic fringe and southern English heartland , employed and unemployed , waged and salaried employees , average earners and low-paid , in a rigid , predetermined pattern almost without parallel in the industrial world .
28 ‘ A woman sees the home as her base and she dresses to complement that environment almost as part of the decoration .
29 One envies Saint Teresa of Avila ( 1957 , pp.23–4 ) , who appears to have had conviction and commitment almost from birth :
30 From there the single line emerged onto the road , and along one side of it the train to West Cork would puff and blow at a brisk but not incautious pace , its smoke staining the leaves of the roadside trees , the guard ringing his bell almost without stop until they were approaching Carrigrohane and could reasonably expect to be out of range of busy pedestrians , excited children , and messenger boys on bicycles plaguing the engine-driver by trying to outspeed him .
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