Example sentences of "[noun sg] to do [art] job " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Myself , I am thankful to finish second and thank Williams for giving me the car to do the job . ’
2 A hired platform tower makes the work safer , but if you have any doubts about your ability to work at heights , it would be better to call in a guttering contractor to do the job for you .
3 Choosing a Club to do the Job
4 Er mainly because in the past they did n't have the proper equipment to do the work that they were engaged on anyway , and although their own minds would clearly tell them that they would identify the work with certain equipment you know , that was up to date and you know , would make life easier for them and be able to produce more , I think some of them er er their minds were overshadowed by the fact that er there was a degree of mistrust between them and the management , that they would ever get the proper equipment to do the job .
5 ‘ We used an interesting piece of equipment to do the job , ’ says Steve .
6 In his view , it is a complete fallacy to say that downsizing is cheaper — people should choose the right machine to do the job , he says , obviously enough .
7 You get an electrician to do the job for you and you write him a cheque in pints .
8 InterCity had to solve the problem of getting its passengers from Wolverhampton to Shrewsbury and chose to do so by hiring a bus rather than paying another railway sector to do the job .
9 The language tutors we have had on our courses were certainly not always given sufficient help to do the job asked of them , and as Language Enhancement Coordinator , I take my share of responsibility for this .
10 The adherence to professional standards and the desire to do a job well are motives that induce workers to serve their employers and customers well .
11 Often the attitudes presented reflect the ‘ jobsworth ’ approach where the right to do the job .
12 He , say , needs a new roof on his house , so he checks how much he has in his account , gets a roofer to do the job , and writes him a cheque in pints .
13 It 's not a role that I welcome , although I try hard as a responsible chairman of the group to do the job as well as I possibly can .
14 ‘ I picked a team to do a job on the night .
15 The Goldsmith plan to break up BAT has been overtaken by BAT 's decision to do the job itself .
16 Processing scratch cards like this needs a central computer system , last year a hundred and fifty million dollar contract to do the job was awarded to a smaller rival , High Integrity Systems , in April Mrs cancelled that contract , after , the company says sixty five million dollars had been spent on the project .
17 Local authorities blame the federal government for not giving them enough money to do the job .
18 It has set up a new division to do the job — its first venture into direct selling .
19 References are generally oblique : for instance in the argument that if a woman had enough education to do the job , she was probably " in a class aspiring to a higher social position " .
20 ‘ So just make sure you get the bastard if I 'm not given the chance to do the job myself . ’
21 It stands to reason that you can not find the right person to do a job unless you know yourself exactly what that job is .
22 Do n't expect a sales person to do the job of analysing your requirements because in general it is just too difficult a task .
23 For over a year now we 've been running a major initiative which is a systematic review of all our Sainsburys brand packaging to see where we can minimise the use of materials , but still allow the packaging to do the job of protecting the product and preserving it .
24 You must also have the belief that you can succeed , the character and the commitment to do the job . ’
25 ‘ We are giving the sales force far more training and ammunition to do the job than ever before , ’ said .
26 I find it totally unacceptable that another football club manager is not allowed into a ground to do a job .
27 Well there are ways are n't there I mean even in traditionally , I mean what of wet-nursing I mean that 's an example is n't it where a woman gets another woman to do the job for her .
28 Therefore if efficiency is a prime goal at which to aim , why not simply allow competition to do the job ?
29 Or you can design your home and act as site manager , hiring tradesman to do the job for you .
30 They need as much training to do the job effectively .
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