Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] level " in BNC.

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1 But it may be that an unusual boost at A level could place students in situations where they find themselves uncomfortably out-performanced by their peers .
2 The absence of a rebound internal anal sphincter response after deflation of the rectal balloon in all patients with a spinal transection at a level that would involve the sympathetic outflow would support interruption of sympathetic reflexes conveyed through the spinal cord .
3 ‘ In fact , they suffered a humiliating defeat at every level of Cornish society . ’
4 The aim of this research is to investigate how uncertainty an environmental complexity ( such as volatility of key variables ) influences fixed investment at the level of the business unit .
5 Residual gas ( 2 x 10 -10 atms ) produces a repulsive force between A and B. There is also a mutual gravitational attraction between A and B. These effects are calculated to produce relative accelerations of order 3 × 10 -9 m s -2 , After correction for all such effects the observed acceleration difference found for aluminium/carbon is which is a null result at the level of precision achieved in the experiment .
6 Money budgeted was related to extent of training indicated , though there were exceptions to prove the rule at every level of spending , ( except the highest and the lowest ) .
7 The base of the upper division can he defined as precisely as the lowest grain of sediment above the golden spike , so that even if there is a break at the level chosen , the definition will still stand and missing strata below the spike will automatically belong to the lower division .
8 In this way , the new upper floor is prevented from crossing the original three-light arched windows which serve the end bays of the lower storey , and the stair is prevented from conflicting with the central window of this range by the introduction of a further quarter-landing at an intermediate level that turns its lowest flight parallel to the side elevation at a level just below the window-sill ( Fig 49 ) .
9 The emphasis in the teaching of economics has moved from macro-economics to an emphasis on micro-economics and in particular decision-taking at the level of the firm .
10 What the new technology has allowed is the study of the Hall effect at the level where quantum theory takes over from ‘ classical ’ electromagnetism , in other words , the quantum Hall effect .
11 Success at the level of macro-institutional policies does not automatically produce a knock-on effect at the level of everyday social interaction , and local ‘ grass roots ’ initiatives do not necessarily yield models which are applicable to strategies of structural transformation .
12 And held a position in the industry at a level not less than junior or first line management at the time of application .
13 However , the first step must be for us to achieve recognition at the level of official LEA policy that special educational provision begins with what the regular class teacher is doing in the classroom , and that the first responsibility of special needs teachers is to help class teachers meet special needs themselves .
14 The salient fact is that what is uniquely on offer at these parties is not all-night dancing or a few boutique drugs , but fantasy-sensation itself : the orgiastic effect of thousands of people mainlining heavy acid rock at the level of total sound .
15 For example , there was a move to decentralize educational administration , because of growing concern at the gap between the pronouncements at the top in the Ministry and the practice at the level of the school , as well as disparities between educational levels in different areas .
16 Leaving the technology issue to one side , there is also scant evidence in the local population of commercial aptitude at the level required .
17 Many pitched their suggested figure at a level considered to be somewhere near the price of an average house mortgage .
18 This change of attitude is significant , but there is a long road still to travel between the discussion of these ideas in high places and their transmission into action at the level of the village school .
19 To begin with , the level on which conflict occurs can be based on actions taken by individuals , action taken by work groups , and action at the level of workers ' organisation , namely the trade union .
20 Thirdly , the improvement in peristaltic amplitudes was associated with a significant increase in the duration of contraction raising the possibility that it simply reflected a response to a degree of obstruction at the level of the lower oesophageal sphincter .
21 The salt-produced density contrast of fluid entering the downgoing and upgoing fingers can be sustained over their height and thus produce a relative buoyancy force at every level .
22 More profoundly the influence of the Church depended on its penetration at every level of social life .
23 It is in the contrast between holism at the non-observational level and atomism at the level of observation that Quine is revealed as a foundationalist .
24 It 's all down to hard work at every level of the sport , but anytime Kilkenny get to a final they expect to win .
25 Metaphor has traditionally been taken to be a one-word device , or at most a figure of several words strung together , whereas Brooke-Rose 's analyses concentrate instead on metaphor 's work at the level of the phrase or sentence .
26 In all three novels the construction of personal identity is intimately associated with metaphor 's work at the level of discourse .
27 Its machinery had to be capable of carrying out the role in relation to those institutions now designated as polytechnics — which , as we have seen , were far from homogeneous — and in relation to a large variety of other institutions with one or another proportion of its work at the level of CNAA degrees .
28 In marked thematic structures , theme position is associated with local prominence at the level of the clause .
29 The 1982 reorganisation tried to simplify some of the worst complexities of 1974 by pruning the consultative machinery , abolishing the area tiers , simplifying the planning machinery and advocating greater devolution of decision-making to units of management at the level of hospitals and community services .
30 When the final scenes were played out in a villa near St Tropez in the South of France just a month ago , I was left open-mouthed at the level of stupidity — or was it arrogance ? — displayed by the Duchess and her balding ‘ financial adviser ’ John Bryan .
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