Example sentences of "[noun sg] at [art] heart " in BNC.

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1 He is perhaps most Spanish in the mystical emotion at the heart of such motets as ‘ Emendemus in melius ’ and ‘ O crux , ave ’ .
2 Munich , the metropolis at the heart of Europe , has always been a meeting place for international experts and decision-makers .
3 Does the Prime Minister accept responsibility for the chaos and confusion at the heart of Governments over the Poll Tax ?
4 The issue points to a more fundamental tension at the heart of professional education , which is that it is concerned not only with knowledge and skills but with norms and attitudes .
5 Waugh is indeed aware of it , and that is the piercing tragedy at the heart of Brideshead .
6 They have discussed the value of the war : Hector 's carefully considered will and judgement have favoured glory over Trojan blood ; and the adultery at the heart of Troy has been reaffirmed .
7 The lack of an industrial policy by this government , reliance on market forces , and short-term investment policies have undermined an industry at the heart of the British economy .
8 Yet both women brought a more intense and child-whorish eroticism to the screen than had been seen before , while retaining a suggestion of innocence at the heart of it .
9 Despite all the things that happen to us , such as religious conversion , dreams , accidents , bereavement , psychological shock — all those things that pull us out of everyday reality — we tend to slip back to a belief that there is a bedrock of common sense and sensibility at the heart of things .
10 Pat O'Neill is a formidable rock at the heart of the Kilkenny defence and behind this unit Michael Walsh is a magnificent goalkeeper .
11 But the tide runs deeper than that , and it is surely at one with the desire to reassert the place of the human figure at the heart of all forms of creative life .
12 He added : ‘ We have the spectator Prime Minister -not a power at the heart of Europe but a void at the heart of the British Government .
13 ‘ For there is a void at the heart of our public life in Britain , a vacuum left by 13 years of Conservative rule .
14 WITH the sun at the heart of your horoscope until the 21st and Venus bringing her sweetness to bear on relationships from the 8th , December could be the most crucial month of the year for love and partnership matters — the 19th could be more than just a magical moment .
15 His orders were to apply the methods that had proved so successful in Vienna to mop up the surviving Jewish influence at the heart of the Reich .
16 IBM and a few other US and Japanese companies provide the electronic means for much administrative and bureaucratic work at the heart of government and management around the world .
17 Alan Ingram treks into a Himalayan mountain fastness at the heart of some spectacularly beautiful scenery
18 The focus of their criticism is the impoverished model of management at the heart of the Thatcher initiatives .
19 ) Or did it reveal a conservative attitude at the heart of a movie that is dressed up in hippie garb ?
20 The national guilt over the destruction of native American culture is merely a part of the regret at the heart of the genre .
21 The question at the heart of the dispute is who owns a waterway that begins in one state but flows into others .
22 This is likely to include a constitutional ban on the extradition of cocaine traffickers — the issue at the heart of Colombia 's domestic drugs war .
23 The two main issues thought to have been on the agenda for Li 's visit were South Korea 's intention to apply for separate membership of the UN ( North Korea favoured the two Korean states sharing a single UN seat ) , and the growing pressure for the North Korean government to allow international inspection of its nuclear facilities , an issue at the heart of the current normalization talks between North Korea and Japan [ see below ] .
24 The issue at the heart of the talks of the relationship between the Philippines and its former colonial master was made more complex by the huge economic importance of the bases to the Philippines in terms of employment opportunities and hard-currency earnings , and by the fierce opposition to their continued presence by the majority of those on both the political left and right .
25 Strategically that made little sense , for the Wilds were almost empty , yet it was as if the City 's architect had known that this vast , jagged hole — this primitive wilderness at the heart of its hive-like orderliness — would one day prove its weakest point .
26 The spreadsheet at the heart of Symphony is not unlike 1-2-3 and it has almost as extensive range of commands and functions .
27 The cry at the heart
28 The announcement of Norway 's 14th round awards was greeted by a mixture of emotions by the team at the heart of the project .
29 The lover 's certainty that his love was the source of everything good and worthwhile in his life — the belief which lay behind the radiantly lyrical love poems of Bernard de Ventadour , some of which were composed at the court of Henry II and Eleanor — was a belief which gave to woman , as man 's partner and sometimes , in this context at least , the dominant partner , a place at the heart of things which had not been hers before .
30 ‘ Scripture ’ he said ‘ puts the great Commission from Jesus right at the heart of the Christian faith , or it is for every disciple ’ .
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