Example sentences of "[noun sg] and sometimes a " in BNC.

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1 The progress department is sometimes part of the production department and sometimes a separate entity .
2 Yet Leicestershire also has many parishes where the village has disappeared from the landscape , leaving perhaps only the manor house or squire 's hall and sometimes a forlorn and decaying church .
3 He was a muncher and sometimes a devourer .
4 At a certain point in the ceremony the rhythm of the weeping began to change and the tears were replaced by laughter and sometimes a kind of ecstatic , even erotic frenzy .
5 It takes skill and judgement and sometimes a compromise is not possible — you may have to choose one over the other .
6 Occasionally the initiative comes from local sources , an enquiry or request for information about WEA provision and sometimes a keen local person will take upon himself the responsibility of calling a meeting .
7 They tend to be alkaline , with soluble salts at the plant-soil interface and sometimes a brown mineral horizon below .
8 Although they are a standard device in parliamentary elections in most of the democracies of continental Europe , they are an abomination for the evangelists of the STV and sometimes a stumbling block for less prejudiced supporters of electoral reform .
9 Sometimes you come back as a beetle and sometimes a man .
10 Every so often there was a little crab corpse or a twist of sand thrown up by a sandworm or a streak of brilliant green weed like the hair of a water nymph and sometimes a smooth small rock and beside it a still , clear , tiny pool with mussels , blue black and pearly .
11 Sensitive to open air and sometimes a sensation of breathlessness as if they were passing rapidly through the air .
12 Structuralist Marxism originated in France in the 1960s , especially in the work of the communist philosopher Louis Althusser , although other key writers have included Poulantzas ( who sometimes uses the arbiter model and sometimes a functional approach ) .
13 They slip and slide against each other — somewhat ponderously , since they proceed at no more than a foot a year and sometimes a great deal less .
14 And now those with a sense of adventure and sometimes a good pair of sea legs can join in the fun on board the former lifeboat .
15 HE has been called spiv , ticket tout , sport 's shadiest wheeler-dealer and sometimes a lot worse .
16 Sheltered accommodation provides the independance reg=independence of your own home with the security of an alarm system and sometimes a warden to help when necessary .
17 Instead , it sets up shame , hatred and sometimes a complicated sexual response , which is not we want for our children .
18 Endowment policies are not always appropriately matched to the client and sometimes a low-cost endowment would suffice instead of a full endowment policy , or a term insurance policy would be more appropriate than an endowment .
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