Example sentences of "[noun sg] to [adj] months " in BNC.

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1 Kohl was forced to scrap a proposed tax reform ( affecting interest payments ) due to the popular outcry against it , and also reversed a decision to extend the length of conscription to 18 months , which was designed to cope with the falling population .
2 By January 1990 the FDP was calling for a reduction to 350,000 personnel and a reduction in conscription to 12 months .
3 ‘ I propose to halve that qualifying period to six months , ’ Mr Lamont said .
4 It demanded the release of political prisoners , an amnesty for exiles , extension of the registration period to three months , and the issuing of identity cards to the estimated 3,500,000 people who had turned 18 since the previous election in 1988 , and who would not otherwise be able to register .
5 The tenant should ensure that a reasonable cut-off date is inserted and the tenant could try to reduce the suggested six months period to three months .
6 Its 1992 results , recently published , restrict capitalisation to three months from the date of registration , which the directors call ‘ a more prudent ’ policy .
7 Harry Tisch , the former chair of the East German Free German Trade Union Federation ( FDGB ) , was sentenced on June 6 by a Berlin court to 18 months ' imprisonment on charges of misappropriation of union funds for personal benefit .
8 Gerd Honsik , the neo-Nazi publisher of an extreme right-wing magazine Halt , was sentenced by a Vienna court to 18 months ' imprisonment on May 5 for 14 neo-Nazi offences including the denial that the mass murder of Jewish people had taken place under the Third Reich .
9 Maha Banat was accused of adultery with Ahmed Hussein al-Zahrani , a Saudi citizen , whom she claims she does not know , and who was sentenced by the same court to three months ' imprisonment and 100 lashes .
10 Burglar sentenced : Jamie Raper , 20 , of Wharfe Way , Darlington , was yesterday sentenced at Teesside Crown Court to 12 months in a young offenders ' institution after he admitted burgling a house in Carmel Road North , Darlington .
11 Shaposhnikov and Lobov said in interviews that they intended to reduce the period of compulsory military service to 18 months , and to replace 80 per cent of the 15-member Defence Ministry Collegium .
12 Less fortunate children still converged on the village relief-kitchens to which food and other supplies fur a month to two months were brought in peasant carts over lung distances from railheads and steamer-landings .
13 In group B , four patients died as a result of complications after hepatic transplantation ( one week to 18 months post transplantation ) , four others died of progressive hepatic failure while awaiting transplantation and two died from hepatic tumours .
14 157 Patients referred at median age 2.8 months ( range 1 week to 96 months ) , 111 ( 71% ) had recurrent events , 44 were born preterm , 19 were siblings of infants who had died suddenly and unexpectedly , and 18 were over 12 months old .
15 Median postnatal age at referral was 2.8 months ( range 1 week to 96 months ) ; 128 were 6 months and under and 18 were over 12 months of age .
16 The length of the methadone reduction regime varied considerably , from one week to three months .
17 Thirdly , there was a divergence of opinion on the question of how automatic the visit should be , with a considerable number of respondents favouring the lapse of periods ranging from one week to three months before the inspection was triggered .
18 Detainees will be kept here for anything ranging from one week to several months , depending on their case .
19 Three patients in group A died after liver transplantation ( one week to 19 months post transplant ) , two died from postoperative complications after cholexystectomy and one from massive hepatic necrosis of unknown cause .
20 Although it restricts the hunting season to three months ( ending on 31 January , not 10 March as before ) , it allows regional governments to alter the deadline .
21 Yet Treasury Minister Michael Portillo is demanding big cuts in dole pay , possibly even by halving the entitlement to six months .
22 The Court of Appeal increased his sentence to four months jail yesterday .
23 On appeal , the Court of Appeal upheld the new definition of a disorderly house , upheld the direction to the jury , upheld the property confiscation order but reduced the custodial sentence to six months which is , as it happens , the statutory maximum for running a brothel , a consideration which influenced the same court in R v.
24 After concluding the deal through an intermediary , John H. Ross , Collins arranged to have the case transferred from another judge and then sentenced the man to 42 months ' imprisonment despite a recommendation of eight years by the probation officer .
25 Age : birth to 18 months
26 Age : birth to 18 months
27 Age : birth to 18 months
28 Age : birth to six months
29 From birth to nine months the best method is an approved rear-facing carrier held in place by rear seat belts .
30 Age : birth to 24 months
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